Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

My D is still waiting for result from SLO! Does it send email or she has to logon to the SLO account to find out?

I guess I want to say that the main reason I am worried about SLO is because of the lack of diversity. Is it a welcoming place for POC? I am an asian male. What is the environment like?

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Please check the portal but they should send an email also.

My daughter just got her acceptance (via portal) for graphic design. Late notification because portfolio was required and due date wasn’t until 2/23.


Congrats! I had a feeling that the portfolio majors were separate from the usual pattern.

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I hear this said about Cal Poly SLO frequently, but is it true? Cal Poly is about 55% white, while US as a whole is about 76% white. The “lack of diversity” is relative to other California colleges. You can expect Cal Poly SLO to be at least as welcoming as USA itself, since it is more diverse than USA. Sure there are occasional racist incidents, such as this one, but that’s true in USA in general.


Quick update for those who asked me to: I was accepted this week to UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD (with regents)! Thank you to everyone who believed in me and told me I would be receiving good news. It all worked out :slight_smile:


So you got rejected by all the bottom half UCs, and accepted by the top UCs?

Yup. Boggles my mind how I was rejected from the CSU’s with a 4.744 gpa if all they look at is grades and class rigor. Who knows!

Thanks. My D said nothing in the portal!

This must be because of yield protection. I thought CSUs and UCs didn’t engage in yield protection.

@Gumbymom says that they don’t use yield protection and she know her stuff.

The plain fact is too many high achieving students and not enough spots for all whom are qualified. One size does not fit all schools and if that was true then only the same group of students would be admitted to all same schools.


So at some point, are all the kids, who say have above a 4.3, put into one pot, and at that point, having a 4.5 v. a 4.3 is looked at as the same and they go to other factors?

I am not an admissions officer so I have no special insight into the SLO admissions decisions. SLO is mainly stat’s based and I am aware of the other areas of criteria such as EC hours, Leadership, Job related to major, local priority etc
 but how this translates into whom gets admitted over another, it is a mystery to me and I have been posting for 8 years on CC.

Yes life would be easier if they said every applicant with a 4.2 CSU GPA, 10 AP’s, 20 hrs of EC’s/week and hold a leadership position gets in then great but who wants to attend school with a bunch of clones who look exactly the same on paper.

Too many parents and students are overthinking this process. In the end, the student can only attend one school and the majority of high achieving students will do well where ever they end up. Hopefully they realize that where they go for Undergrad will not define them but the opportunities they take advantage will make them successful. Your Dream school is the school that admits you.


Engineering is usually Sierra Madre - and the dorms are fine. They are freshman and in college. My boys survived Sierra Madre just fine, the food, well, yea. Even with Vista Grande (VG) open, it is ok. BUY THE LOWEST DINING PLAN.


If I remember correctly you have to click on Student Center and then scroll down to Application Status.

We were debating that. That’s what I said. My spouse disagreed.

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I read you can roll over the $ from dining plan if you purchase a mini plan for year 2. We might buy medium or big plan so we don’t have to worry. Plus she’ll like the coffee/tea beverage club.

If you buy the lowest , you can just add money as needed, correct? I was advised to buy the lowest and them send breakfast food and snacks by instacart.