Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

do you think there is any chance they’ll start tonight?

Just check it during midnight before you sleep and check it tomorrow morning. Good luck!

On the 2016 transfer thread, people started getting decisions on the 17th.

I found out that I got into Cal Poly a year ago from today, I believe. Good luck to everyone! For those that do not get in, there are other options! Make what you can of it.

Will probaby be tomorrow or on monday if not. Crossed fingers all!

Of course some of us will get responses later than others over the next 30 days.

I think last year, transfer decisions started rolling out about one week after freshmen decisions. The relative time between them is probably more relevant than the actual dates.

@lankysequoia it seems like its going to be next thursday

@lankysequoia true, but last year they also had the ED option for incoming freshmen and this year they didn’t, so it could be less spaced out than it was last year. Either way, we should definitely find out soon.

They’re still doing freshman right now. Engineering now, and haven’t done ag yet. Guessing you all won’t be today…but ya never know.

I told Cal Poly that I wasn’t getting an ADT in Bus Admin because I thought I was back in the Fall. Apparently regular calculus isn’t an acceptable substitute for Applied Calculus. Regular calculus is what STEM majors have to do, not Applied, so that’s why I did it instead. It was more universal to use for the UCs. I took Stats, but I didn’t take an Intro to Computing class. I thought my regular Calc could be used in place of that.

They replied that they took note of the discrepancy, but they can’t change my application. They said to send a partial transcript if admitted.

I’m not entirely screwed telling them that I won’t be getting an ADT, right? I don’t think they really even consider those that much, due to how impacted it is over there. I’ll have my major reqs and 60 units done by SP 2017.

Just heard from a friend who will be a freshman next year that he got into the electrical engineering program and some of his friends heard from animal science. Guessing that we will hear either this weekend if they release decisions over the weekend or at least starting on Tuesday.

@TheLongRun The Associate Degree to Transfer for CalPoly often means just a 0.1 boost to your gpa. So if your gpa is competitive enough, it shouldn’t really matter. I applied to Cal Poly myself indicating I will receive an Associate Degree to Transfer for Business Administration for this fall. My gpa isn’t too high sadly, so only time will tell if the AD-T helped with their decision.

@TheLongRun the AD-T is of course helpful because it looks good and gives you a gpa boost but it certainly wont exclude you, especially if you have a good GPA. If you have all major courses and GE done the only real issue I could see is that your changes were submitted late. Doesn’t sound like a huge issue but they can be plucky sometimes, so fingers crossed!

Honestly I don’t even mind getting rejected that much anymore I just want a response so I can start planning accordingly.

“No determination has been made this time” Screw it! The decision takes so freaking long!

Can anyone tell me my chances? Getting pretty anxious

Major: Journalism
In state
All major required courses will be complete at the end of this semester
1 out of 2 “desired” courses will be complete at the end of this semester
~3.81 gpa

I seriously hope we all find out soon!

@dancergirl17 From cal poly regular decision thread 2016-2017, I did not see any acceptance posts about Journalism. However, I think you have a good chance to get in! 3.81 GPA is really high for a transfer applicant. Just Finger Crossed and hope that you will get in. Good Luck!

@chowthebest thank you! I will also have completed the igetc by the end of this semester, so hopefully it all works out in my favor. Good luck to you too!

@dancergirl17 Thank you! Let’s hope the decision is gonna come out in a minute or so :smiley: