Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

@csUcp280 … It is always so hard to predict how cal poly ultimately decides …but it is definitely a big plus that you have EVERYTHING already completed. When applying sophomore year, Cal poly really only takes into consideration only what classes etc have already been completed, which leaves basically just the first year of college and summer classes/grades for them to evaluate. They absolutely do not take into consideration the Fall grades (unless they specifically request to see them). Having things “planned” or “almost completed” by the end of Fall semester puts some at at a disadvantage (particularly in the super impacted majors). However, as in all things “it depends”. There are always exceptions. Community College transfers have priority, but since you previously applied and were conditionally accepted…that may make up for that . Will keep my fingers crossed for you.

@justinmega1 I emailed them too and just got an email back stating that if my transcripts don’t match what I reported on my application, they may need to review it and it could affect my acceptance. However, the English class I am taking still counts in the same area of the IGETC as the one that I reported, and the journalism class I am taking is an elective, so I hope that if I’m accepted they take those into consideration. Good luck!!

@dancergirl17 I see, but those all seem to be required courses right? Like they aren’t desired classes because you needed the IGETC class

@justinmega1 the English class is a literature class which was on the “desired” part of the transfer selection criteria for my major but it just said any class from area C2 on the csu ge plan (which is the same as area 3B on the igetc), like there wasn’t a specific class that was put as desired. And I’m a journalism major but I’m taking two journalism classes - one is the required one for cal poly and the other is a different journalism class that wasn’t part of the transfer selection criteria. The first one was the only required major-specific class on the website. I reported the required one (which I’m taking now) but I put a different class number for the second class because it didn’t look like my college was going to offer the one that I am doing instead. Hope that makes sense haha

@justinmega1 So, the class that you are taking instead of the “major related” one you reported on your application (because it didn’t work in your schedule.)…is it also “major related” or “desired”?

@calmom17 no it was an extra (desired) engineering class and I couldn’t take it all becuase it conflicted with Physics, which was required.

Hey guys, new poster to this thread

Chance me?

Transfer Student - Community College (in state)

Major: Business Admin
CC GPA: 3.79
Major GPA: 4.0
CSU GPA: 3.87

CSU: Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, SJSU, Chico
Private: USC

Major Pre-Req: all done minus one accounting class

IGETC: one last requirement remaining (completed by end of Spring 17’)

Presidential Honor Roll - 4x
Phi Theta Kappa Member
Alpha Beta Gamma Member
International Scholar Laureate Program Invitation - Summer 17’
Math Tutor (Unpaid/Volunteer)
Business Tutor (Accounting/Economics) - (Unpaid/Volunteer) - First ever in my CC’s history
Academic Scholarship - Sp 16’
EOPS/Care and CalWORKS Certificate of Achievement - 2x
SSS Academic Honor Award

Organizer of a College “Road Trip” (visited universities in N. Cal and S. Cal) in Summer 15’
Business Club Member

Any guess about when transfer decisions might roll out in relation to today’s FTF decisions, based on previous years?

@jonathaanv I’d say your chances pretty good. You have a very competitive gpa. Make sure you have that major class and GE req. done by spring though or it could destroy your chances. Just so you know they don’t actually look at what you do for your extracurriculars, just the hours, and even then it’s maybe 5% of the decision. That being said still pretty decent chances.

Looks like out of state freshmen started getting accepted yesterday…does that mean we should start hearing soon?

@dancergirl17 we probably should find out pretty soon then! Kind of weird that they’re the first to find out though considering the CSU system usually evaluates those applications last - out of state freshmen that is.

Based on past experience I definitely think we’re gonna start hearing back within the next few days. They typically accept out of state high school applicants first, then in state, and then transfers. Also I have the same issue with my courses not matching what I originally reported (I’m taking a different humanities course in spring to fulfill my IGETC than the one I reported on my application). When I called and asked admissions they said that, if I get accepted, to email admissions before I send my transcript so that they can look into the discrepancy. If it’s a minor change then you won’t get your acceptance rescinded!

@jmo1150 yay good to hear!
@nikkizee thank you so much! that makes me feel a lot more at ease…still so anxious to hear back!

@dancergirl17 I’m super anxious too! In state people just started hearing back an hour or so ago which means we’re next… best of luck to you :slight_smile:

@nikkizee I noticed that on the regular decision thread too! So exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Wishing you the best of luck as well :slight_smile:

In state transfers or freshman have just started hearing back?

@cpmustangmama it should be in state freshman cause I still did not get mine yet.

@cpmustangmama just freshmen at the moment, but it seems like transfers will know relatively soon

yeah, hopefully they start tomorrow becuase I don’t think they send anything out on the weekend

Fingers crossed! Maybe they might start tomorrow morning like today for transfers. Good luck everyone! (: