Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@t0pnotch your prediction is based of the last years statistics, so do not forget that there is a 30% of transfers applicants increase this year from 8000 applicants to 10000. I am assuming we are going to have around 10% chance. Good luck everyone!

I am a Sophomore @ UCR, got waitlisted at SDSU for Business Major/Concentration Entrepreneurship, current GPA @ UCR 3.43

Tomorrow might be the day folks!

If the pattern stays true to the past few years, then tomorrrow is our day… :smiley:

I got accepted to SDSU but Cal Poly is my top and I am dying to hear back… Hopefully we all find out tomorrow

@transferjess what patterns are you referencing? Did Cal Poly release transfer decisions on Monday’s in the past?

@transferjess The person is talking about the patterns from the past years’ transfer posted through collegeconfidential, correct me if I am wrong.

you guys thinking it’s a release tonight? or tomorrow around 12?

literally just trying to distract myself all weekend so i don’t go crazy anxious

@nmltransfer2018 @IVokon Yes, I was looking at the transfer/freshman threads from the past two years and the way it happened was freshman acceptances were released one week and transfers were the Monday following. The last two years transfers heard back on President’s Day (and freshman the week before). So I was using that as a reference. Hope that makes sense!

I am no longer sure when the admission decisions will come out, like I lost hope :slight_smile:

@RichardBIV lol don’t lose hope, admissions doesn’t open until 12. If anything is going to happen for transfers today, it would be after 1.


Wish all the best luck!

Has anyone that is an Agriculture Business major get accepted?

@Baykid97 based on previous comments, no one is hearing anything until 12

I’m so nervous :-&

Anybody’s up?? Mines not. (Psych major)

Mine hasn’t been updated. Bus - Finance.

Mine is not