Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

My daughter is also still waiting. Psychology major. I read that last year they only admitted 66 students for psychology. Were any more students admitted this past Friday? I’ve only seen waitlisted.


Looks like a couple of us are still awaiting decisions for psychology… maybe that’s a good sign? :crossed_fingers:t4:

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The target # for enrolled Psychology students was 66 but they admit more students than enroll so depending upon yield, they could have admitted up to 200 applicants.


My D is in same boat waiting decision for psychology and seemingly having the stats to get her in. I think they enroll 66, but surely they must accept 200+ out of the 3,000+ psychology applicants. At this point it seems like a rejection is more likely than a WL though (and an acceptance seems extremely unlikely).


He has a 3.73 gpa, leadership, 6 AP classes, and an internship/ work at a winery in St Helena. He also has numerous art awards locally. He is on the waitlist for viticulture. We are praying he gets in. :pray:t4: Sending all the parents & students the very best!!


We have 2 friends admitted to psych and it was in the first big wave


Just an FYI: SLO is releasing Transfer decisions right now.


I think it’s all a game. The colleges are also trying to pick students that they think will attend, which helps their statistics. If a student is overqualified sometimes they don’t admit, because they don’t think that student will attend. For instance, I know kids who got into UCLA/ Berkeley and not UCSC.



@Gumbymom Thanks for this pdf. What does FTF and NTR mean? Do you know?

My D also applied for Design major. Did you hear anything about the acceptance yet?

Did anyone receive an invitation to apply to the honors program today?


It is really hard to put logic behind it! His stats are solid but no idea what formula they used to base their WT decision. My understanding is a waitlist is a something to celebrate too.

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Mclaw5 : what does your daughter think of the Graphic Design program? Does she like it ?

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FTF= First time freshman
NTR= New Transfers

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She likes it. The professors are great so far. Definitely a variety of art classes and learning new computer programs. They get you moving quickly Into the concentration.

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The UCs and Cal Poly don’t yield protect. (Edit: I stand corrected. It seems that UCSC does yield protect.)

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Apparently ucsc announced that they do yield protect. To my knowledge, other UCs have not said that they do.


Yes, received the invitation this evening. Not sure of its importance since it landed in the promotions folder.

That is not surprising news about UCSC. One of my sons was waitlisted last year, along with a bunch of pretty high stats kids at his school. He eventually got off waitlist. UC GPA: 4.22, unweighted GPA: 3.94. 35 on ACT which did not count. Good ECs etc. He was undeclared, not CS or anything. In previous years, almost everyone at his school was admitted and most did not attend. His twin did get in right away (4.26 UW GPA: 4.0 ACT: 34 ). They are both freshman at Cal Poly.

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