Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I balked at the amount of into requested too, but have been very happy to have joined. It’s a wealth of information and looks extremely supportive.

Why not UCR, CPP or CSUF? All would prepare her for teaching.


That’s a good question. She’s worked really hard to get into the more selective schools and she just doesn’t want a degree from those that admit 60+% of applicants. I guess what it comes down to is that she was hoping to get rewarded for all those late nights studying and all of the effort by getting into a 25-35% acceptance rate school (and from what she’s heard and I’ve read, ratings overall are just higher for those schools - everything from campus to food, activities and teachers). Not minimizing the fact that it’s awesome to get into the ones she’s gotten into but her peers that coasted along comfortably with lower grades and not all of those ECs got in as well so it just doesn’t feel good right now. She’s asking what she could’ve done differently to have gotten into the ones she was WL on and aside from the “maybe a part time job, an extra activity” I don’t know what to tell her. I think she worked so hard and did all the right things to get into a “more competitive” school and it wasn’t a straight admit so it’s tough.


Will she feel rewarded for all of those late nights at community college? How will she feel when she has to repeat this application process again in 1.5 years?


She’s not excited about “two more years of high school” :face_with_peeking_eye: as she called it, at a jc but the TAG with UCI is guaranteed and I’m sure she can meet the expectations/requirements. I know this seems so whiny but her feelings are valid and at the end of the day my job as her mom is to let her process this all and then talk about moving forward and her options. We’re at that stage. Everything happens for a reason and even though she’s sad and frustrated she is moving forward. :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree with @lkg4answers. This thinking is so wrong on many levels especially if she is tying her self worth to a college’s acceptance rate. Once she sees many of her friends go off to their 4 year college, living on-campus and being part of a college community while she will be attending a CC and living at home, will be it worth it to turn down any of these colleges at this stage?

Have you visited, if not, I suggest to see if she would consider attending an admitted student’s day. Yes, you should step back and give her time to process. Love the schools that love you back.


We haven’t visited but they’re all local. She’d be living at home if she attended any of those she was accepted into. She could also live at home and attend UCI but it’s a bit of a drive so we were planning for on campus. I do appreciate your perspectives and feedback. Sorry to hijack the thread about admissions. :relaxed: I’ll check in with her re: UCR. Maybe she’d consider checking that campus out. Thanks.


Smart kids with good guidance will always find their ways. It sounds like an old cliche but if you know where you want to be then the paths do not matter. I was a refugee and I ended up at UNM (Albuquerque) when I first came to the US; and it turned out to be the most supportive and caring school I have been to. While doing my undergrad there, I was preparing to move on to the next “higher-ranking” school for graduate work (UT Austin), but I always appreciate the environment UNM gave me. It gave me confidence and the time to grow. My son 3 years ago did not get to the UC of choice for Microbiology and was depressed but he took an offer to do an accelerated (7-years-in-5) PharmD program at UOP and he has been happy and achieving ever since. We learned the lesson and prepared our daughter for that scenario


Are decisions released weekly, or are they random? Still waiting (architecture) :sweat_smile:

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This is week 3 so I would expect more decisions to be posting today?? :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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What time, typically?

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I can completely sympathize with where you are coming from, but also agree with the others that a school’s acceptance rate shouldn’t be a driving factor. It will vary with how strong the school is in the field she wants to study. Example: CU Boulder tends to accept close to 80% of applicants. Nevertheless, it has dozens of nationally ranked programs, some in the top 10 nationally. I wouldn’t bat at eye at sending either of my high-stat kids there for any of their strong programs (alas, my older kid ruled it out “because we can see it from our back yard” :laughing: but he was otherwise very tempted by it; I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see my younger kid enroll there).


Your daughter will do great somewhere else. My son is seriously considering CPP for Engineering after having been told to seriously consider it by a few Silicon Valley executives who are his friend’s parents. CP SLO is/was his first choice but alas, he will have to find somewhere else to go if he gets a “denial” today. I have no doubt he will succeed wherever he chooses to go regardless of the acceptance rate.


Did your son admit by other college?


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I know it is not any consolation, but the food at Cal Poly is pretty bad AND expensive.


My niece could not wait to get out of the meal plan as a Freshman since she could not stand the food either and she was not a picky eater. I heard the food is getting better?

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This is a big bummer, I’m so sorry. Biology is just really competitive.


They said it would be better when Vista Grande opened but i am not sure that is true. Here is a $12 Caesar salad with chicken. My boys can’t wait to get off their meal plan.

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Kaytong, yes! Accept in Engineering at CPP, OSU & ASU. Waitlisted at RPI. Waiting to hear from Purdue & SLO. SLO is his first choice school.

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