Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I wound up paying for the SLO Tribune on their monthly plan so that I could read all the articles about the area and college. Google saw me Googling SLO and the area so often it started to prioritize SLO Trib articles in my news feed. Then I’d get annoyed at not being able to read them. I went monthly so that if DS is rejected I can cancel.

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who wants to be the sacrificial lamb and call the admissions office to ask when they will start to release decisions.


Just an FYI, canceling required a couple emails. It’s not like clicking unsubscribe and you’re done.

I remember them emailing me back after I requested the cancellation, obviously using the email address that I had used for the subscription. In their email, they requested my email address in order to find my subscription. :man_facepalming:

Having said all that, the Cal Poly-specific admission stories were few and far between, but I was more interested in any crime, land use or other neighborhood issues. SLO was at the top of my D’s list, so I had to “check it out.”

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They just say “by April 1st” :cowboy_hat_face:


In 2020 my daughter was notified on March 3 so that’s when I think we are going to find out this year!


@Sjc176 - was your daughter an in-state or OOS applicant in 2020?

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In state

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OK - thanks!

Actually we should here on March 1st that’s a tues. They release decisions on Tuesdays.


Two kids currently at CP - the one who started in Fall 2019 was notified of acceptance on March 2. Other one who started in Fall 2020 was notified of acceptance on March 3. In-state. Best wishes to all the current applicants!


Just looking back to past posts, oos acceptances in 2019 were on Thursday Feb 28th. So maybe we will still hear this week!


One year ago, someone got accepted at 3:22 p.m. on February 23, 2021

So, my current guess is 3:22 p.m. today.
(Note that I also thought it would be yesterday, but I was wrong. If I’m wrong again, then I say tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that. One of these days I’m gonna guess right!)


History doesn’t repeat itself…but it rhymes


Yes in 2019, OOS decision releases started on a Thursday (Feb 28th). My S19’s portal was updated 1:30PM PST on that day.

Just log in and it appears portal landscape changed…Not sure what this means. Scared to click the Admission status. Is anyone seeing something different on the portal?


@John_Lee - mine looks the same (I think). What are you seeing differently now? (and are you in-state or OOS?)

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nope. looks the same to me.

Looks the same here.

Go ahead and click “Admission status” There’s nothing to lose

In-State but not local. Student Center link was on center but now Student Center link is indented to way left and Admission link is on the top left-hand corner. Not sure if that’s what you guys had before. Maybe just over-reacting