Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Oh ok, I just checked my portal nothing so far


No, they do not routinely consider your alternate major.

From the website:

If you are not selected to your first choice major, you may be considered in your alternate major if space is available.

May Be are the operative words.


When they send emails what do they usually say? Something along the lines of “there has been a status update on your application?” And then you check your portal for the decision?

Not sure, because its my daughter that’s applying.

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It’s a congratulations email I’m pretty sure

CP didn’t send any email when one of my sons was accepted for EE in 2020. Portal notification only.


If you don’t set up an email it’s portal only. Just looked on my sons portal and it’s not set up for him.

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Thank you!

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Does anyone know what the projected acceptance rate for political science is this year? More specifically for an in-state, non-local student.


All 3 of my kids were notified through Portal only. This was in 2015,2017 & 2019. All were accepted but to different majors and all had different Cal Poly GPAs. In the past years Cal Poly capped the GPA at 4.2 …not sure if it’s still the same.


SLO does not differentiate their admission data by local/non-local/in-state/OOS.

Here are the projections from 2021. 1572 applicants for 77 spots.


And how do you know what the projected yield is by major / college? Sorry if that is something you’ve posted before. Thanks!

No projected yield by major is published which is the missing piece. You can use the yield by college on the Freshman profile or default to 33% which is an average yield for many colleges. It really gives you only an estimate at best.

Anyone OOS hear anything??

Not yet


nope guess we wait till next tuesday (trying to jinx it)


Is it always only Tuesdays?


My nephew applied and he is OOS as well, and we are anxiously awaiting the decision!

So possibly March 1? Seems late :relaxed:

If it’s just an algorithm that is used to decide admissions, why does it take so long to release them? I would assume that it would take no more than a day for the program to have all the results.