Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

No waitlists should not be counted as accepted. Unfortunately they are considered a soft rejection.


I would give it to about 5 pm when the admission office closes


Does anyone still see Poly EmpIID in their studentā€™s portal? I saw it last week, but not today. Iā€™m thinking maybe thatā€™s not a good sign? :roll_eyes:

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I donā€™t think that means anything

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I agree with @Sjc176 - I wouldnā€™t read anything into that (although I fully sympathize with grasping at portal straws!)


Good to know! Yes, grasping for sure! :joy:

@cqian8828 ooh that is really interesting. what part of the state are you in?

Two more weeks to check the portal is what Admissions is telling everyone, answers by April 1st.

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does that mean wait for two weeks?

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63,000 total students last year, 65,000 this year, thatā€™s 3% increase. I wish inflation was that low!!!

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How much do you guys think the indecision at Cal bc of enrollment freeze could play into the delay? (Ha I rhyme).

Would Cal Poly change their yield assumptions if they feel some rejected at Cal might have Poly as their #2?

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could be possible, even UCSC started releases later than last year

we are in the bay area.

We are in So Cal.

Yepā€¦and people will only have to wait a couple weeks after the 15th until April 1, for all the notifications go out. Admissions may have gotten enough pressure about stringing out the notifications and said ā€œfine weā€™ll stop doing that.ā€ Guessing is a crap shoot. Iā€™m just waiting for comfirmation in my case. My daughter is visiting UCLA this Friday, irregardless, even though she dosenā€™t like LA, because itā€™s UCLA!!! It would be good to check out. Nothing else really changes for us. Good Luck

I still see it under the Personal Info section.

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False alarmā€¦I see it now. Looking in the wrong place!


Where did you see it? I cannot find mine.

Yaā€™ll are so funny. I was super excited because I saw like 40 messages on this thread since I last looked earlier today. Gave me hope for decisions today. Nope just a bunch of other crazies using CC instead of seeing a therapist. :wink:

I hope that CC bans me after this application cycle. I need to get my life back. :wink:

CC is my guilty pleasure so I dont drive my kids crazy. :wink:


Best reply of the day!! Thanks for the laugh! I relate on all levels :laughing::laughing:

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