Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

There’s no way this is true. It will prompt an untold number of lawsuits.

I do not want to derail this discussion from SLO but to set the record straight.
This information is from UC Counselor conferences 2021 and all PIQ essays are read.

All applications are reviewed regardless of whether the student meets all of the minimum admissions requirements.
Multiple reads often occur as part of various quality control measures instituted by the campuses. Each campus may have different requirements on the number of times an application is read.
Admissions readers are required to complete bias training every year. This means that a student can feel confident in sharing any topic with us, gender identity, substance abuse, learning disabilities, and more. We value the experience and what the student gained from the situation. We do not penalize a student for circumstances they lived through. Sharing their voice means that students talk to us in plain and direct manner.


Is there a way to see the avg GPA of admits at your school?

Yes, that’s what we’ll wind up doing since there are no tours available and I’d already made hotel reservations for that weekend as a just-in-case. It would be our only opportunity to see the campus unless we just went for self-tours which wouldn’t give a good flavor of student life (hearing mom read from a script or quoting things I’ve read or watched on kids’ youtube videos). I’m not thrilled to hear it’s the most crowded event you’ve ever seen there. Neither DS nor I are into crowds, but he likes going to his school’s football games, so maybe he’d like it after all. I hope we get the opportunity.

I hope he’s not waitlisted. DS getting waitlisted will cost us money since we’d move forward with all the deposits at CPP. But I suppose that’s the same with everyone who gets waitlisted. Ugh! I want a yes or no. Rip off the bandaid. I want a crystal ball. CPP opens its housing application on 3/9. They start acceptance deposits on 3/15 but I’m trying to get a waiver on that because we’re using the GIBill. I feel like I’m getting high-pressure sales tactics. Why can’t the colleges just allow kids to get the information they need to make a complete decision before incentivizing deposits? From a business standpoint, I get it. They encourage early enrollment to solidify their numbers, but it’s pretty cruddy. They delay their acceptances and then ask us to commit quickly without all the information. I’m not a fan.


Last year someone got accepted at 3:22 p.m. on Tuesday February 23, 2021, which was the 2nd Tuesday after President’s Day.

Today is the 2nd Tuesday after President’s Day. So, I’m gonna guess that acceptances come out in about 40 minutes. I’ve been wrong before, but if I get this one right I need everyone to buy me a beer! ;0)


Beer’s on me, Greg, if so! :relaxed::four_leaf_clover:


So sounds like we won’t hear back anything for a wile?

Both of my children were accepted to Cal Poly and chose to attend. With my son in 2017, we visited AFTER he was accepted for much the same reason you mentioned. However, once he was accepted we went as an extended family to do a self-guided tour. Frankly, the campus and the town sell themselves just fine without needing a guide.

That Summer when my son was doing orientation in SLO, I took my younger high school daughter and her friend on a housing tour. Though it seems kind of boring, I thought that was very valuable as both a parent about to send a child off to school and for the prospective students I brought with me. When my daughter accepted in 2020 she had a very good familiarity with all of the housing units rather than just the two her brother had lived in. It gave her the confidence to know that she could make her living situation work in any of the settings.

So to sum up, you are wise to wait for the acceptance. Give yourself time to just wander the campus and the town if you visit. Take the housing tour if they have an opening.


Not necessarily; a whole week has gone by since I asked.

Interestingly, our high school was 169/48/0 for 2021.


Mine was about the same. I wonder why none of them ended up going.

I wonder if waitlist counts as accepted?

@s318830 - all in favor of mass distribution of crystal balls, say “aye!” :person_raising_hand:


anything for anyone?

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did everyone refreshing kill the portal? it wont load for me

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Nope - ugh!

portal loaded but nothing yet :frowning:

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didnt someone say they released at 3:29 last year also?

I don’t think it’s happening today


Slo over enrolled by 1000 freshmen in 2017 with no early action. Housing was fun that year.