Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I’m asking about those acronyms on the chart the link to which has been posted a few times on this thread.

FTF= First time Freshman
NTR = New Transfers

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I believe FTF might be first time freshman.

Sorry, correct typo. I edited the post.

My son took 4 years of a language, 9 AP classes, a few honors classes, higher level math at CC over summer and senior year, participated in mock trial x2 years. He had multiple performing arts classes but I doubt those counted for anything. I believe his GPA was 4.39 but not positive. SAT =1500. His friend that got in had higher GPA, 36 on ACT and I’d guess more AP/honors classes, lots of leadership roles at school.

Not to diminish their accomplishments on some great test scores, SLO does not consider test scores this year or last so that would not be a reason for either decision.

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I guess we still need to wait for Monday for another batch?

My friend with a 4.0 UW GPA applying for ME still hasn’t gotten a decision. Looks like there was one batch on Thursday and that was it.

I realize that, just added what I knew the two boys had done.

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A second year of performing arts does count!


Have any home school students been admitted? My daughter is OOS and home schooled Junior and Senior year, so very different than most other applicants. Almost all the homeschool classes are community college and heavily skewed to math and science.


Good to know. He has been at a performing arts school since 8th grade so maybe all those extra conservatory classes paid off!

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I am marine science and decision is still pending

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They didn’t REQUIRE kids to be on campus but housing was available for those that wanted to be there. All classes were online. I know this comment was days ago but since it’s entirely incorrect I felt compelled to respond.


You may already have your answer but the only way to have access to the portal at CP SLO is if your student gives you their log-in info. There is not a separate parent log-in. The school STRONGLY discourages this because if you log-in while they are in class or doing a test etc (this portal is also their access to Canvas) it can look like they’re cheating and can have dire consequences.

Thanks for your post. I already have access to her portal, but had no idea that there would be an issue if I logged on while she is in class! Is the portal the only way to check grades? I’m a complete newbie…

Holy cow - really? That seems… less than ideal. Is that the same portal used for finances? I don’t plan to start checking grades much (didn’t for high school, won’t for college), but I can see wanting to be able to stay on top of payment issues. Thanks for the heads up that logging in could have potential academic impacts. (yikes!)

You can set up a separate parent portal just for finances.

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You don’t have to have access to your child’s portal to pay fees. You can set-up what’s called a Cal Poly ‘CashNET’ portal to do that.



Son has homeschooled K-12 through a CA public charter. He basically did CC for HS and earned 3 AA’s (Bus Admin/Econ/ Social Behavioral Science) He has a 4.0 at the CC with 86units. For HS, he is Valedictorian of his class of 200plus students. No test scores.

HIs portal still says pending. He did not take more than 2 yrs of Spanish so that might hurt him. He did take Stats/College Alg/Business Calc at the CC. Only did 4 yrs of English and 3 yrs of Science. Seems silly to hold that against him if he wants to study business.

Patiently waiting…

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If your waiting is “patient” you’re doing better than we are. :joy: