Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I understand that. DD24 wants to be able to go to SLO now that her brother has gotten in (and will likely go). He has all the math and science because his major is CS. But she’s going to be an English major. She had originally planned to do business, so we were going to keep her on the calculus path and do Calc AB and AP Stats. Now that she’s switched to English we’ll have her do AP Stats (because that would still give her credit for the B4 math requirement) and Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications. The Advanced Algebra is going to be a 5th math class and will give her the second advanced math desired by SLO. I’m just glad we had an option for a second advanced math that didn’t require Calc since English majors don’t have to take Calc at all. I figure it’ll also give her basic life math that’s often lacking in HS. It does seem silly to have an English major taking 5 math classes, but she wants options and that seems to be the best way to help her.

My one concern with her is that she won’t have the number of hours of work (and major-related) that my son had. He legitimately had 21 hours a week for the past three years all work-related in addition to his other extra curriculars. But hopefully with English she won’t need those hours as much as he did with such a competitive major.


Well, if you don’t here anything soon when transfer decisions come out this week, Cal Poly just wasn’t meant to be. At the end of the day, thousands of great students just don’t get in and it happens every year.


Thanks, @jntwinmama and @ucgraddad - that is a relief!

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13% of clases were in-person only

Kid got an email that there is a local (we are OOS) Cal Poly welcome event in our state ( the email says with staff, current students, and alumni) and that seems really cool. Is this common? If so, that’s pretty savvy marketing.


Wow. That is great!

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So basically sounds like if not admitted during this past wave, then just waiting for waitlist or rejected? Sounds like everyone hoping for transfers now and not additional admits for FTF?

@AgeofAquarius - Just curious: which state is that? We were notified of one in Denver. I am just wondering in how many states they do this sort of thing (and agreed - it’s a neat idea and savvy on their part)

More acceptances have been known to trickle out before the waitlists and denials. Unfortunately only time will tell.


My son just graduated from Cal Poly-SLO (2021) with a degree in English. You are absolutely correct to max out the Math classes for your daughter. And work on the extra-curriculars as much as possible. Clubs, sports, tutoring, whatever. English at Cal Poly is not as competitive of an admit as other majors, but it is far more difficult to get into than at almost any other CSU and about half of the UC’s. Cal Poly is just popular and impacted in every single major. There are simply no easy admits. That being said, any student that is qualified to get in is going to have a very nice array of options when acceptances come out.

Best of luck.


@yerm1000 curios: how did you squeeze in 10 years of science and 8 years of foreign language? That is pretty impressive. My D22 had a class before regular school start and 1 or 2 classes after regular school end, but is no where near that number for these 2.

My son is still waiting to hear as well. He’s OOS and so some of the terminology is new to us. But he applied for mechanical engineering. At school he is an IB diploma student and has an UW 4.0. His GPA on his CSU app is 4.31. He has more than the required years in everything, except biology (just has 1). This includes 5 English, 6 math, and 4 in world language. Maybe he will hear today!

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A couple of (student-created) polls of interest from Zeemee: 33% of applicants there received a decision last week. Of those who were offered admission, 72% were IS, and 27% OOS.


We’re in the same boat. 2 kids I know- one with 4.18 CSU GPA and one 4.25 CSU GPA have not heard from Forest major.

Oh, same one for us! Guess there’s a large enough population of students here to support it, which is reassuring somehow.

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A separate parent payment portal can be set up but all you can see is amount due & make a payment.

True I mis-spoke when I said ALL classes were online and I guess if you needed a class offered in person to graduate that quarter you would have been “required” to be there. I was thinking of it as a freshman living on campus and they could have definitely worked around the small amount of classes offered in person.


Hi, Has anyone been accepted in the Los Angeles Area? Look like the admit from last week was for out of state and northern California.

Yes I believe that is the only way to check grades other than asking your student how their grades are or having them send you screen shots.

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Agreed! Maybe it was just coincidence, but when we were on-campus for a tour in October, I think everyone there who was from OOS was from Colorado (if not everyone OOS, then at least a strong majority of the OOS-ers). I was surprised at the time.

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