Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

He just noticed last night, but it might have been a day or two earlier. It’s unlikely that he is going to go though, the COA is higher than expected.

My son was accepted to Mech Engineering and so was his best friend from school. Honestly it seems to be purely a numbers and luck game for college acceptance anymore. Not to say all of our kids didn’t work hard to get to this point but sometimes who gets in and who doesn’t really doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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My daughter was accepted apparently. Didn’t get the official e-mail, but did get one from the CP housing yesterday with congratulations on being accepted. She checked the portal, and that shows she has been admitted.

BioEngineering: 4.72/4.0 GPA.


With a 4.72 she deserves to get in!

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Can you share stats?

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Why did your daughter transfer out of CRP? Did she not like it? My daughter just got admitted. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank u!

@Sam37 during her 2nd quarter a couple classes required knowledge of software she was unfamiliar with and she had a difficult time learning it while at the same time trying to complete the assignments and was completely overwhelmed. She went to an advisor and did some soul searching about whether she was in the right major. She’s now completing her Jr year thriving and super passionate about her current major.


My daughter got accepted to city and regional planning? Anyone else? Would love any feedback regarding this major.

Which majors has 90% acceptance rate?

A 90% acceptance rate is a guesstimate and some could be less but higher than 60% acceptance based on SLO ‘s target projections and an assumed 33% enrollment yield so the following have high acceptance rates:
Agricultural Communications
Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural & Environmental Plant Science
Dairy Science
Industrial Engineering
Agricultural Business
Materials Engineering
Industrial Technology and Packaging


How hard is it to get into city and regional planning?

According to the Projection targets, SLO expected 115 applicants for 29 spots. If you take the 33% yield, then 29x3/115= 75%

Again this is all conjecture since SLO does do list the yield by major so no one knows how many students are admitted to this major.


Thank you! I am also trying to get feedback on the minor? Any feedback is appreciated!

Cal Poly SLO publishes the freshman profile. You can see how many applicants and their acceptance by departments.

For example:

Orfalea College of Business
2021 Applications 7,992
2021 Percent acceptance 27.09% (around 2,157)
2021 Target from the Enrollment Projections = 660 spots

The enrollment yield for Orfalea is around 30%


Yes, you can use the College Yield but it will still be different for each major.

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Wouldn’t that be around 20% acceptance?

Thank u!

If you take the projected spots and divide by the # admitted, I get 32.6% enrolled however, the target spots and actual enrolled spots can be different.

Regardless, there is a huge variation in the competitiveness of the different majors.

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What do FTF and NTR mean?

post error