Cal poly slo for an asian guy

Hi, I have a very big issue on which school I want to go to. They are either Cal Poly SLO, UCI or UCSD. My main choice is Cal Poly SLO because of the “hands on” experience. But I feel like if I transfer there, I will feel very left out since I am not 100% social or I wouldnt fit in. Can anyone who is/was a CS major or an Asian who have attended the school give me your opinions about it?

What issue do you see with CPSLO but not UCI or UCSD?

Well, the OP hasn’t been back, but I suspect it’s fear because Asians make up a smaller portion of the student body at SLO. He hasn’t been around for a while and was a ME, not a CS, but maybe @NLinsanity can chime in.

Hey there @LolxS. I’m a semi-recent grad from the ME department (I almost finished my CS minor though) and an Asian man.

This link goes to a multi-answer and page thread where I pretty much explain the entirety of my experience at SLO. (10/10 would recommend for me)

Hi LolxS. I am a current CS major at Cal Poly SLO and also half Asian, and I would say it shouldn’t be a problem! While the Asian student body at Cal Poly is smaller than the UC’s, it is definitely still present. On a day-to-day basis I run into a good number of Asian students, especially in the CS department. In fact, (while I am not a member) I happen to know that the Chinese Student Association is one of the largest and most active clubs on campus with a great community (you don’t have to be Chinese to join). Even if you are not the most social you will still find your group, there will be plenty of people in the same boat!