Cal Poly SLO Honors Program

Anyone who is planning on applying to the Honors Program at SLO, can you provide some insight as to what your essay responses were? Did you reuse essays from other applications?

Also, does anyone know the acceptance rate for this program?

Ask yourself why you want to get in. The advantages are minimal, and it adds 10h to the curriculum (at least it used to). My son was invited after 1st year, but he decided the little bit of a registration advantage wasnā€™t worth the rest of the requirements.

DS is applying. Heā€™s able to reuse his essay from his CPP Honors College for essay #1, but none of his other essays fit the three questions offered for essay #2. Heā€™ll be writing a new one for that (which has him very grumpy with all the other school papers heā€™s having to write during the end of his Spring Break.)

Not sure what the acceptance rate is (Iā€™m sure someone else does), but I know itā€™s low.

Title of graduating with honors, housing perks, smaller classes, other smaller perks. For the small price of reusing 1/2 essays, it doesnā€™t seem too bad.


As I stated above, you can get invited after youā€™ve matriculated. My son applied as a FTF and was rejected. He was invited to join after 1st year and declined. Long story short, even if you donā€™t get in first go round, thereā€™s still a chance if you really want it.

For his CPP Honors College Essay #1, did he reuse an essay from a different school? Also, did he take a more flowery writing approach or go more objective for this one. Thanks for your help!

I feel the same way your son does about more essays :unamused:

Honors Program benefits:

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The classes arenā€™t smaller. They are for the most part all small at CP. My son was in the honors math track for students with 5s on Calc BC. His classes had 32 students and the regular calculus and linear classes had 32 students.

Housing depends on the community you choose. He was in Living Learning for engineering.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude which overrides any significance of the honors college notation.

By far and away most damning aspect for him was that the 10 honors hours would not fall within his curriculum. He had enough AP that those classes would have been redundant. He didnā€™t want to take 10 more hours on top of the ME curriculum which was already 200 hours for his concentration.

If a student really wants it and it jives with their curriculum, thereā€™s not much downside. The advantages are really minimal though compared to schools like ASU and OSU, because CP has most of the built in advantages for all students already.

Last year, the main Honors Program benefit for admitted Honors students was housing in Yakitutu, the newest freshman housing on campus.

And from what I understand the main disadvantage is the noise late at night from both inside and outside the ā€œYakiā€ dorms. :grinning:


Anyone hear back from Honors yet?

Not yet. I believe the program stated it would be the last week of April, in time for the May 1st deadline.

I remember reading on the Honors application that Honors Housing will be in Yakitutu for 2022. Anyone else remember reading that? I canā€™t find it anywhere, only that is ā€˜has beenā€™ and ā€˜currently isā€™ in Yakitutu, but no mention of where it will be for Fall 2022.