Cal Poly SLO Life?

Hi there!! I am a senior in high school and got into Cal Poly for engineering (yay!!!) and it is one of my top choices right now (Waiting to hear back if I got into UCSB.).

I visited SLO once and I wasn’t sure if I really loved it… kinda just felt like a big high school to me, but I know first impressions can be super misleading. Looking for anyone to give some insight as to what the lifestyle at slo is like?? Social scene, food, sports, etc etc. I just really like the idea of the whole “college feel” and want to make sure that I get that in some way or another. I’m a white female and I love the thought of a big school with a lot of school pride.

Any comments will help!! Thank you!!

You might want to post that here:

or on the Cal Poly subreddit.

my daughter has just committed. we’re happy about it, and glad that the new dining common will be open this calendar year I believe. in the meantime, i’m not sure that i get it, i mean kids eat where? starbucks and chik filet? how does a kid get vegetable on their plate? not sure that she would, but I can hope… thanks…

@university2go Wait a second, are there no traditional dining halls on Cal Poly SLO’s campus? I am aware of the “805 Kitchen” and a few adjoining restaurants (Chick Fil A, a make your own burger spot, etc.) across from the University Union. But come to think of it, I can’t recall seeing an actual dining hall when I was there with my son for the Open House. What gives?

805 Kitchen is a ‘dining hall’.