Cal Poly SLO options for electives within the CS Major/School of Engineering?

My OOS (Maryland) son accepted to CS major in School of Engineering with a small Blue & Gold merit award. He’s an experienced coder already but also likes to explore other subjects (psychology, history) and take guitar lessons. Is there room/opportunity for him to explore electives within the CS major or should he be prepared for 4 years of grinding out math, CS, requirements? He’s having a tough time deciding between CS in Honors College at UMD-College Park because he loves California but UMD’s program seems more flexible. Thoughts or experiences?

Apologies, I meant Green and Gold scholarship!

I linked the suggested 4 year flowchart for CS at SLO. He can take a look to see if how much room he will have for the electives of interest.

Thank you much, Gumbymom!