Cal Poly SLO Quarter Plus program

Has anyone attended? Insights?
D will be Mech Eng freshman, wondering if this is worthwhile.

D is already accepted. I read a few threads on reddit, the consensus seemed to be that the 4 week format was a lot of fun, the earlier 3 week version not so much. Getting a few GEs out of the way, coupled with AP credit, should allow her to take an easier load her first few quarters. It will also make for an easier move in, and it seems like the orientation is built in to the schedule, so no having to come in July for that. The only down side I’ve heard is that it can make WOW seen a little redundant.

The Quarter Plus program looks interesting, but wonder if someone could provide insight on how this might work (or not work) if student is accepted in the Honors Program? Would the GEs through Quarter Plus essentially be moot?

@Mom2BoysCA I think I saw an FAQ that said that if there are enough honors kids in Quarter+ then they’ll add an honors course to the mix (probably the public speaking one). But it is something to consider. For my D, if all goes well with AP tests, she’ll already have D3, D4, A1, B1 and C1 done, then Q+ will add A2 and one other (probably D2). That still leaves A3 and C2-C4 to do. She’s in engineering, so she could also take the honors calc classes to get her honors units in. The course catalog also shows an honors physics, but near as I could tell that wasn’t offered this year. For now I’m telling her to sign up for everything, and think about what to actually do over the summer.

Thanks, MelloG. What type of engineering major is your daughter?

Software :slight_smile:

Mechanical. :slight_smile:

My sophomore ME son did the 3 week version of Q+. It was definitely intense, but totally worth it for him. Not only did he get the GE credit, but he met a bunch of people, learned his way around campus, and started the Fall quarter with a much clearer sense of what to expect from his classes. He did wish that there had been some down time between the end of Q+ and the beginning of WoW. I’m not sure if that timing changed with the expansion to 4 weeks. And, yes, some of what they did in WoW was already familiar to him, but not all of it.

Does anyone know how selective Q+ is? Is it easy to be accepted?

@babygroot no idea…I would think they look at your record to see if they think you’ll be able to handle the pace. Seems to be first-come-first-served…my D applied the day the application went up and was accepted a week later.

@MelloG How did your daughter find out she was accepted? Was it an email or through her Cal Poly portal.

@Mom2BoysCA email. There’s nothing in her portal about it yet. The email said the deposit will be due in May.