Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Highly unlikely for CS waitlist, I expect no more than 5-8 off the waitlist after May 1st

Just wanted to check and see if there was a discord for admitted transfers :slight_smile:

Yeah I hope there’s one! If not, @CaIPolySLOBound we should really make one! I would love to get a friend circle going for SLO.

I declined my offer after getting into ucsb so hopefully that opens a spot for someone majoring in political science! best of luck


Official letyer from cal poly yesterday declined as of 4/22/21

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Tweety u idiot cal poly is #1 for political science

How no communications?

I got into ucsb and im going to get into a lot of other better schools. no need to be rude I was just giving my spot to someone who wants it more relax.

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U can tag ucsb u cannot tag cal polg. Therefofe ucsb is inferior. I just cannt believe u missed out on this chance

Whatever dude

Just wanna update you guys that I got rejected to Cal Poly for Computer Engineering, but I just got accepted into Berkeley for Electrical Engineering & Comp Sci.


congrats!!! That is absolutely insane, it also shows how random the admission process is at SLO.

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Yeah same here, I got into UC Berkeley but straight up REJECTED at Cal Poly. Scope my story/stats on the Berkeley thread if you’re curious.


These are the stories I love to hear.
:love_you_gesture: CONGRATULATIONS :love_you_gesture:

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I just got accepted into UCLA yesterday, but I chose to commit to Berkeley.

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Similar situation with my daughter. Waitlisted at Cal Poly, accepted at Davis and Cal, Bio Sci.

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Oh - the Hardships you are faced with in Decisions. :rofl:
Excellent position to be in - Savor it.

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For those who SIR, did you guys receive any email after? For me it just disappeared from my to do list. Also, can someone provide a link to discord, the other one expired. Thanks!

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Anybody know when past years waitlist decisions came out?

Same and Same