Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Hopefully so because I’m so nervous

:four_leaf_clover: :shamrock: :four_leaf_clover: :shamrock:

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I’m looking at the Freshman Cal Poly decision thread and a lot of people seem like they haven’t gotten their decisions yet. Makes me think we may be a little ahead of ourselves lol but I guess we never know.

Ugh we are all sooo anxious

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I was thinking the same thing but a lot of freshman got waitlisted already and from what I read on last years thread freshman received rejections the last week of march (or something like that) while transfers were notified of admission starting the 16th of that month…so do they release freshman and transfer rejections at the same time maybe?

So bs this is awful :frowning: i don’t see the deiciosn yet! ■■■■! I check last night twice at 10:30 and 12! Gah!

So I just went back to last years freshman and transfer threads and both freshman and transfers were notified of rejection starting 3/27. My guess is they notify both of rejection at the same time. So if they’re planning to send out rejections next week most transfer admission notifications should go out this week (notice I put most). If they wait to reject until the week of 3/29 we may not know until early next week. This is just a guess and not true by any means :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed! Wish they would let us know already :confused:

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They uploaded another transfer youtube video about the transfer experience yesterday!! I’m trying to have patience because I know they are working hard to get them out but they’re testing me lol


In reality - Decisions have already been made a couple weeks ago. Because after decisions, they take only the applications for those who are admitted & send them over to their Financial Aid office to evaluate & put together financial aid packages & scholarships since those come out with the decision.

So now it’s just a matter of pushing the “release” button.

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Damn do they need help? I can click the release button myself :rage:


I’ve also heard mostly everything with decisions is computerized so it calculates everything and cuts off at a certain number however i’m not sure how true this is. I was told this by a counselor in the past

@hiheyhelloo - Calculates what?

The financial aid?
The decision to admit?

I could see the computerization considering there aren’t any essays in our applications

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Admission decision

@hiheyhelloo - I’ve never heard of that before.

I am going to ask different people in Admissions to get a few opinions.

I have no evidence but I doubt a computer looked over my application & said, “Yes - that’s the one we’re looking for:rofl:

I have 11 D’s & F’s during my Round #1 in college & I can’t see how a computer would be understanding that it was in my past. That needed human empathy :rofl:


Yeah thats true. Like I said though I’m not sure how true this is but just letting y’all know some of the things I’ve been told by counselors :slight_smile: This counselor also worked at poly in the past. I don’t know in what department though

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It’s probably a system where there’s an academic threshold that you have to reach but actual people finalize who actually gets in. Because it’s so hit and miss there’s no telling how they measure qualifications


I’m with calpolybound on this one, I’m sure they’re a little more malleable with their methodology

Could be the case…welp I guess we’ll never know the actual process :slight_smile: just have to wait and see