Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Thank you SO much!!!
I currently don’t have a family to share my college admissions journey with but this thread and even you popping in makes me feel warm and cared about.


Were you accepted in the very first wave?

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Well let me double down on some congratulations to you. I hope bask in your good news, I am so proud of you. I only discovered this platform maybe a week ago and can’t believe what a wonderful resource it is. I’m glad you are feeling some :heart: today!


Is the financial aid package under the Money Matters tab only located in your portal if you are already accepted?

Yes I believe it is there once you are accepted.


Congratulations!!!:partying_face::partying_face: SLO is a big deal and you should 100% be as proud of yourself as we are of you!!!


As someone who’s dad didn’t finish HS, and my mom didn’t get to go to college, I totally know how this feels to not really be able to share your college journey with your family. I just want you to know that I think you rock and you’re going to kill it wherever you go. <3


@whohurtyou25 - Yes, I was accepted last year in the very 1st wave. I am in Business Administration & many others in my same major did not get their Acceptances until the 2nd & 3rd day.

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I got accepted and it’s not there for me yet. No financial aid shown on the sidebar.

same here I don’t see it yet

@celectric - For some, the Financial Aid package will be available tomorrow.

Sounds like quite a few of you are not able to see your Financial Aid yet. Be patient.

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getting bachelors from slo get alone getting accepted is the best life accomplishment! congrats to you! you are ELITE!

@gml9769 - What do you mean by you got in a 2nd time?

Share your story. Many on here can benefit.

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Accepted: Computer Science

GPA: 3.93
Local: no
AS-T: no

Completed classes that transfer:

  • CPE 101
  • CPE 202
  • CPE 203

Golden 4: A, A, A, A,

21+ hours of work experience related to major: :white_check_mark:
Leadership Positions: :x:


same omg

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Are you guys just refreshing your portal or waiting for an email??

ok ok, you’re in C.A.F.E.S right??? and you haven’t heard back either?

I’ve got my finger over the F5 key and it’s been there since I heard of the first acceptance… :tired_face:

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I just refreshed my portal the second I saw the first acceptance post and proceeded to run around my lab in excitement LMAO

@Jennaharter - Don’t wait for the email. Portal decision comes 1st.

Emails are usually sent 1 day after & 2 days after the portal decision.