Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

What’s your major?

Is there anyone with an electrical engineering major who got accepted?

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Philosophy. Definitely one of the least impacted ones, so I’m sure that helped a lot haha.

On last year’s thread, there were no English majors. Hopefully this is promising info for me lol

Awww no don’t downplay it! Congrats though!

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I believe I only saw one Agribuisness major get accepted. Are there a lot of Ag people on here ?

These threads are just a small sample of what is getting Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted. There are so many more but we just never hear about them.

Next year’s applicants are gonna look at this year’s thread & not know what the front door happened here. Just a 90 minute window of acceptances; then silence.


I got in for Electrical Engineering on March 17th.


How many computer science majors here got in in 17th?

congratulation. I’m still waiting . may I know your GPA? min is 3.86

Thank you, mine is 3.3. I am a local.


I believe there were two computer science majors that got in and posted in the thread

I am agribusiness and I haven’t heard anything yet

Im a computer science major still waiting… more than likely its a doomed cause.

Luckily got into the other school I applied to.

I’m a bio major and i’m still waiting too. I don’t have any expectations at this point lol just gonna see what happens


any poli sci majors accepted yet?

anybody for child development? my gpa is a 3.83

I think there were a lot of CS applicants here that haven’t heard back yet (including me)

I’m CS and still waiting as well, hoping today is the day

Add me to the CS no determination list