Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

It will be interesting to listen to Cal Poly announce how many transfers were admitted this year cuz this thread seems very light & doesn’t represent previous years.


yeah this is why I’m 99% positive that there will be at least one more wave of admissions.


I hope so, and I hope we are included in the next wave of acceptances!


I’m not sure if there’s going to be another wave. Maybe they’ll just roll out a few decisions on random dates.

anyone elses portal not working ?

mine loads just fine

got it to load now still nothing

The portal will probably be down in the evening today since it’s a Wednesday

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No decisions yet so I assume I got rejected. I am really pushing myself to get in so I am starting to think of doing an appeal. Can someone give me ideas to put in my admissions appeal?

I graduated high school back in 2018, attended SFSU for two years as a pre-nursing major and I hated it, came back to CC during pandemic, and now I changed to Bus Admin. Do you guys think I should say that going to SFSU didn’t felt right and didn’t gave me the prestigious education I wanted?

I can’t believe cal poly is literally waiting until the very last day to reject people, knowing that they have all their decisions ready to be sent. their admission process is just cruel and plain stupid lmao


Here is what the appeal website states:
For an appeal to have merit, it must contain new, serious and compelling information that clearly shows you to be academically stronger than had been earlier evidenced. Neither grades received in the current academic year nor mistakes made on the application are a basis for an appeal or the reversal of a decision.

“New” means something that’s not on your application. Then from there, you gotta make sure it’s powerful enough to be “serious & compelling.” Don’t argue what is already on your application since they already evaluated the information on your application & made a decision.

You gotta find something new, then spin to make it serious & compelling enough.
Appeals are tough & rarely approved, however, I’ve seen appeals approved before at Davis & Berkeley/Haas so it can happen.

Here is the criteria for Appeals:

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Hello emilay,

First and foremost you have to bring something new and compelling that wasn’t on your application already, so I don’t suggest you talking about another college giving you the education you wanted is a good route. May I suggest you talking about cal poly slo instead and why you think you should be admitted (again something new and compelling that isn’t in your application already) meaning how can you fit into their culture, and depending on your major what you can bring into their program. If you truly want to give it a shot thinking outside the box for your appeal letter is tricky but some people manage to find their niche. Do not be repetitive, and find something new to talk about in your letter. If you do end up getting rejected, this is your last chance to catch their eye, make it count. And best of luck. However you should wait until they officially give you a rejection letter before appealing. Best of luck!

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@CalPolySL0Bound @Vic999999 Thank you to both for your advice. I really appreciate it and I won’t give up until I get into my top school. tears*

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You have 15 days to submit your appeal & must include official transcripts with it.
The 15-day countdown starts from the date of your rejection.

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You should probably leave out the “prestigious education” part, it sounds a bit superficial, like you just want to use their brand. Talk about something organically slo that really draws you to the place, and tie it to your major. Like if I were to make an appeal for my major, I’d talk about cal poly’s philosophy department and how I’ve read books of various poly philosophers, and talk about their ideas and what I think of them. For business admin, research the department first and talk about it.

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I got in with a 3.35, not much higher than yours. I think it was my grade trend that helped. I was getting Fs, Ds and Cs before I stopped playing around, hunkered down and railed off like 15 straight As.


Ooo, this is promising information. I was in the same boat in my youth. I went back to school at the age of 31 and got all A’s. I rescued my GPA from the depths of he** and transformed it into the what I believe to be respectable 3.50 it is now. I know my chances of getting in are not super great, since it is late in the game, and there may not be any admissions left to give, only denials, but it’s not over until it’s over. :slight_smile:


That’s awesome. I really hope you get in, coz it sounds like we’re about the same age, haha.

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Oh, right on! Yes, thank you, I really appreciate the good vibes.

When i clicked on the “application status” link and saw that beautiful green “congratulations,” my jaw literally dropped. I didn’t think I had a chance. It’s definitely not over until it’s over. These folks know there’s human beings behind every stat. Wittgenstein said the world is made of atoms. Well, that may be, but we understand it through stories, and each story is unique. That’s my major talking.