Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

A family friend talked to the dean of the UC and they said CSUs and uc are putting a record high amount of students on the waitlist because there’s a lot of people applying to a lot of different schools so their betting on people declining their acceptance. So there’s a good chance people on the waitlist will be accepted. Also they says that CAL is excepting record high transfer students this year and it’s close to 90% of transfers are being excepted.

Very cool that more acceptances went out again on March 31st between 8 PM-11PM.


Anyone else’s portal still say “no determination”…



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So good to see another admission! CONGRATS!!!

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Mine does!

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Mine still does

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Mine still says no determination!

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Hello! I’ve been following this thread for a couple days now because I am also a transfer student trying to get in SLO under a Agricultural science degree. I haven’t posted anything on this topic because I never made an account until now. I have basically figured out that whenever the final announcement comes out today, it will most likely be a rejection :frowning: . I just wanted to say thank you to people who keep talking on this thread because It keeps giving me hope that maybe I will get accepted. I got accepted into Cal Poly Pomona in AG science, so that will probably be the route I take. Good luck to all and I hope good news comes your way. Thank you for the support!


wait but weren’t you already provisionally accepted back in February?

edit:oh sorry nvm that was cpp

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Today is about to be a very interesting day. Best of luck to everyone. I’ve been following this thread for awhile now and all of you are awesome people. Hope as many make it through as possible and get some good news today.


still no determination… so weird


It really sucks


If you don’t hear anything by midnight tonight, then tomorrow morning flood the Admissions for answers on decisions.

Direct email for Head of Admissions:

Phone: (Student will answer though)
(805) 756-2311


I applied as a psychology transfer to UCSC & Cal Poly Slo. I already accepted admission @ UCSC, but it’s still frustrating that I can’t put college apps behind me. Release my rejection already !!!


I think i’m at the point where if they don’t release a decision by today I legit just would forget it happened and move on😂


Tbh, seeing how poorly they handled the rollouts and how poorly they listened to applicants turned me off from SLO. I guess it’s not too much of a loss that I most likely got rejected haha


If anyone wants some more transfer action since SLO is slooooooo as hell(sorry), UCSC just released some more decisions. Just got mine from em.


And?? You got in there too?

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Yessir we are currently 7-0 for transfer apps. I can’t wait to get smacked down and put in my place by Cal and UCLA LOL.

If you’re curious here’s everywhere I applied. I applied under business admin to all schools who had it, business econ or the variants if they didn’t have admin, and then finally econ for the schools that had neither.

Acceptances (in order from time of acceptance):
SDSU, CSUF, Cal Poly Pomona, SJSU, Cal Poly SLO, UCR, UCSC

Pending: All UCs besides UCM, UCR, and UCSC

Now that I think about it, I might have went overkill on the apps. I wanted to be abundantly sure I had a place to call home because I have a CC transcript with LOTS of red tape. Like, my first year was 2Fs, 1D, 2Ws, and my overall transcript has those subpar grades and 8 or 9Ws in total. And I got a C in Calc 1 and a B in stats cuz I did them both over summer of 2020 while working full time 12 hours night shift at my internship lolol.

Really just goes to show everyone that yes, they do recognize when you’ve worked past your problems.