Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I hope so bro … just that class that I didn’t take my affect me!

no determination here… hopefully tomorrow we’ll all have a decision one way or another. it’s been fun dreading the future with you all!


Well, it’s April 1st and nothing lmao


yeah i refreshed until 12 in hopes maybe it was auto-scheduled to release at midnight…nah


I got in! Just kidding. Happy April fools🙃


almost gave me a heart attack fr


Brotha I’d be having a heart attack if I actually did! And in case you’re wondering , yes, still no determination


i was already on my way to open a new tab to check my portal when i read april foolds lol

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still nothing :// why won’t they just let me take the L smh


Heh… you know… for such a great school like SLO… I never thought they’d actually take it Slo…:smirk:


i cant believe it took us all this long for somebody to make that joke


GPA: 3.94
Major: Economics
IGETC will complete by spring semester
Golden 4: AA+ 2 IP
Pre-req: done
Local: No, San Diego
EC: Decent
Work: Yes

accepted: SDSU
pending: UCSB (TAG), UCB, UCLA, UCSD, USC, NYU, UMiami, SLO
no rejections until tomorrow probably

no det still

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My friend who applied for CS had a rejection on the portal a week ago.

Dang, that’s a great GPA too. Probably got dinged on the IP Golden 4s and not having the ADT. But they are targeting 16 transfer enrolls for Econ, so admitting maybe 30 from transfer apps out of the 253 apps? Don’t feel bad, the admits are brutal dude. I’m sorry.

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Also, it seems as if they are accepting those w a mid gpa range in order to have a higher yield rate.


I feel like I hear this said about colleges a lot. I’m not sure if I agree with it. Sure, my GPA isn’t super high, but it’s still a bit up there and I didn’t get yield denied at SJSU, CSUF, CPP, SDSU, or UCR.

Using their projected numbers, about a 6% acceptance rate in my major but probably closer to 4-5%. I shouldn’t have even applied lol.

Eh, at least you gave it a shot. Who knows, weird year. Hopefully with that GPA you just get into UCLA or Cal and be done with it all.

Yep. Didn’t do the Golden 4 because I planned specifically for UC.

Sounds to me like this isn’t much of an L for you then. Best of luck in your UC apps. I’m waiting on Cal and UCLA myself too but I’m doubtful. I’m very happy to take SLO.