Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Hopefully, the people who appealed will come back here & tell us Cal Poly’s decision, regardless of what it is.


At was ur gpa user? And adt or no? Are u local?

I posted my stats about a week ago so I’m copying and pasting from my og post:


Major: Biological Science
Coming from: CCC but former UC student of one year. (1 year at UCR + 2.5 years at CCC. All major prep courses completed at CCC)
GPA: 3.8
Golden 4: AAB + one ap test
Pre reqs: completed this spring + extra coursework in the sciences
IGETC: not eligible due to being a former university student but all GE’s done
Local: no, San Diego
Work: 20+ per week 100% major related
EC: Yes + Leadership Positions

my stats are weird given my former university status and i had to report some dual enrollment classes. i took early in high school like 7 years ago so it brought my gpa down a bit, not sure if cal poly counted those classes for my gpa or not even though they were on my csu app.

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Hi all! I just wanted to share my experience with admissions regarding a letter of continued interest (I’m on the waitlist for Psych) I basically wrote to admissions to let them know that if I was admitted I would accept, and that I will be taking the course I’m missing over the summer.

I got a reply today (sent the email 3 days ago), definitely a copy paste with my name in it, but it’s something! The sentence that’s most important for me to hear is “Based on your email, we have noted your serious intent to enroll at Cal Poly on your application,” and she bolded that in the email.

Here’s the email:

Hi (name),
Thank you for your email regarding your Waitlist status.

Please note that letters of recommendation, personal statements or essays, or other subjective criteria are not considered in the admission selection process at Cal Poly. As a result, they cannot be considered in the Waitlist process and no further action can be taken at this time.

You can expect to hear the final result of your status on the Waitlist by July 15, 2021. If additional openings become available before that time and you are selected from the Waitlist, you will be contacted earlier. Based on your email, we have noted your serious intent to enroll at Cal Poly on your application.

Though we very much hope we will be able to offer you admission for Fall 2021, as it is impossible to predict whether additional openings in your major will occur, we encourage you to fully consider available options from other institutions at this time.


the fact it was bolded seems to be a good sign!

A Freshman in their thread announced they got rejected, appealed & got accepted.

Freshman & Transfers have different rules but it happens.

Here’s what they wrote in their appeal.
"I had quite a bit of health issues during my first semester of junior year which caused a dip in my grades for that semester. In my appeal I explained that and how my health issues have been something I have been working on and will not pose an issue if I were to attend Cal Poly. I also talked about how I used that grade dip as a motivation to push myself for the rest of that year to fulfill a leadership role in an extracurricular and to get all 5’s and 4’s on my AP tests. The last thing I talked about is how Cal Poly has been my top school for 4 years and I would very likely attend if i were admitted.

I was not expecting to hear back from them by today… on the website I believe it said appeals took around 3 weeks. No email or anything yet, I just happened to check my portal."

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wait who did you email

You appeal thru their website & you enter your email for them to respond.

I applied to Cal Poly SLO as a transfer, I still haven’t receive an email yet about the result, but when I checked my application status on Cal Poly applicant portal, it appeared that these words:
“You have not been selected for admission to Cal Poly.”
Does that mean I was rejected? Thank you

Yes, unfortunately.

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Thank you

Hi all. I just wanted to let you know that I am hearing of people getting admitted off waitlists. I think they were freshman, but it sounds like there is hope. Wishing you all well.


communcation major, 3.87 but rejected…sigh…
accpeted: csuf
rejected: sdsu, slo,
waiting: ucla, ucsd, ucsb, ucsd


Sigh how didnt u get into sdsu?

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just submitted my appeal y’all… wish me luck! :crossed_fingers: :woozy_face:



Just rec’d transfer appeal rejection in mail saying 17 poli sci spots for 355 apps


woah…and I got in for poli sci that’s crazy

awh bummer :frowning:

when did you submit the appeal?

17 / 355 = 4.8% acceptance rate for Political Science