Cal State Apply transferrable crdits quesrion

Hi all, I am a hopeful Fall 2020 transfer and am trying to find an answer to which classes I need to check as transferrable on my application. I have one year of classes from CU Boulder, CO, for engineering, most of which do not pertain and were not used to complete my CSU GE or AS-T General Business requirements. My question is-do I only self-check the classes that are being used to complete my requirements ie Calc 1 for example. The Cal State Apply help link says ‘transferrable units are those used to complete your Baccalaureate degree’. Is it correct to assume this means the degree that I am transferring with? I am terrified to get this wrong since it means a difference in GPA of .14 which is a lot I feel.
Can anyone help?
I will also email the Cal State Apply help desk.

My apologies for the typos in the heading…using my phone to post.