Calc and Physics series at different Community Colleges

<p>Hi, I am planning on taking calc 2 during summer semester so that way i can take physics 4B(second semester physics, pre-req calc2) , however my current cc doesnt offer calc 2 during summer. So I was planning on taking calc 2 at a different community college. The two community colleges are not part of same district. My questions is do I need to do the three semester calc series at a same community college or I can go to different CC's? Along with that can I do same thing with physics and take the three semester physics courses at different CC's. I checked on assist and for UCLA it says "NOTE: You should complete the entire Physics Series at one community college (or at community colleges within the same district where courses are exact equivalents)." But it doesnt say anything for calc series and I couldn't find the information related to this issue for other UC's. Thanks for your help and time.</p>

<p>It really depends, the math department at the 2nd school will look at the course topics and/or syllabus to determine if Calc 2 at college B is equivalent to Calc 2 at college A.</p>

<p>@andrewexd thanks for the reply. So if on it shows that a certain univesity takes the calc 2 from college B and calc 1 from college A , that would work? Is it possible to check if a university only accepts a calc series if and only if taken at one College?</p>

<p>Most of the time, yes, that will work. I would check with your school though to be sure Calc 2 is equivalent at both schools, just in case.</p>

<p>thank you very much. I will confirm that with the school :)</p>