Calculus 1 question

<p>My son is very strong in math but due to a weird scheduling issue when we switched schools, he never had the chance to take Calc 1 in high school. He had pre-calc and did extremely well. Scored 35 on the math portion of the ACT.</p>

<p>My question is whether he should take MTH 125 or the honors version of Calc 1, MTH 145.</p>

<p>Math, in general, comes easy to him but he has never had calc and I would guess many of the kids who are taking Mth 145 have already taken calc (and are just in it for the review.)</p>

<p>As a CS major, it will be a bit difficult to get all his honors credits in, so he was hoping he could get 4 through MTH145 - but I don’t want it to be too much for him. </p>

<p>(This may be a moot point if he can’t actually get into 145 at Bama Bound. :))</p>

<p>TAKE HONORS is my suggestion. Math is his ‘thing’, clearly. Honors is not going to be harder or more work…just smaller class and more in depth (that’s my understanding). Some people will disagree - take the ‘lower’ class to get an easy A… - but taking HONORS where you can seems like a very smart thing to do, esp if he NEEDS honors credit to graduate. Best to take an honors class in something that you’re great at, than something that you might struggle in? Just my thoughts…</p>

<p>Since he didn’t take Cal I in high school, I’m not sure if he can take Cal I without first taking the Math Placement (which must be done at least a week prior to BB). </p>

<p>Quick facts about placement exams:</p>

<p>The math placement exam is required for all freshmen with the following exceptions:</p>

<p>You have math transfer credit that has already been approved</p>

<p>You scored a 29 or higher on the ACT math test OR a 640 or higher on the SAT math test
AND you have successfully completed a high school calculus course (grade of C- or higher)</p>

<p>Hmmm…I can’t get degree works to work right now but it showed his placement as MTH 125.</p>

<p>This is what it says in the email about math placement:
“Your current recommended placement may be found in DegreeWorks, our online degree audit program. (Information on how to access DegreeWorks is outlined below.) Students who are not satisfied with their current placement may choose to go online and take the Math Skills Assessment one time only through their MyBama account.”</p>

<p>Edit: Just got DegreeWorks to work on a different computer. It says his math placement is MTH 121 or MTH 125 - does that mean he could take MTH 145 also?</p>

<p>It should mean that. He’s in honors right?</p>

<p>It looks like he was placed into Cal I without placement…maybe based on his Math ACT?</p>