Calculus Self-Study

Hey guys!

So I am a sophomore, and I really like math.

I can get mid As, in Alg II honors, in like the nation’s second best HS (not to brag, just to tell you guys im decent at math)

I really want to self study calculus.

Assuming I have a good base in everything below calc, how can I self-teach calc? Can you guys recommend books or video to study from?


I would recommend you follow your math track at “the nation’s second best” HS. I would not self-teach a subject that is such an important building block for future coursework in advanced math, physics etc. Instead I’d suggest you focus your time and energy in doing the best you can in all of your actual classes, making meaningful contributions to ECs you care about, and studying for standardizes tests when appropriate.

I have to agree. Take the class at “the nation’s second best” HS.

Thanks, btw I didnt mean to come off bad :frowning:

Also I will still take the class anyways (like next year)

Khan Academy

Then self studying in advance is seriously a waste of time that you could spend building your EC’s. Use supplemental resources like Khan Academy concurrently while enrolled in the course.

Also think of it this way;

The way colleges work is that you pay them money and take classes. They are also looking for people who have taken a calculus class really have a foundation in calculus. So if you take calculus in High School with a teacher who independently evaluates you, that is the type of student they want in general.

Join (or start) a math team, compete in the AMC (look up “American Mathematics Competition”), study up for the Math II Subject Test, or tutor lower level math to kids. You should plan to take calculus at your high school, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try a statistics class at your local college on the side. There is a lot you can do. But do take the classes to make sure you have the right base.

Im in the math team and I take the AMCs, but I started this year (i did really bad on the AMC 10)

Go for the online course for this if you have so much interest and want to learn calculus. Or else consult your mentor.

Is there no advanced/ accelerated math track in the nations second best HS?

If the OP is a sophomore in algebra 2, s/he will will take precalculus as a junior and calculus as a senior. I.e. already on the +1 math track. No idea why the OP wants to self study it when s/he will end up having it in school anyway.