CALS essay...

<p>On the second statement for the CALS;
(if you wish to be considered for admission to a second major (should you not be admitted to your first), write an additional, brief statement about this secondary field of interest. ))
I'm assuming the second major must be from the CALS school? Or can I pick another major like Economics (which is a major in CAS)?</p>

<p>yes i'm pretty sure the second major must be from cals</p>

<p>think about this one... how would you major in something in one college while being enrolled in another? </p>

<p>in addition to that, your location says oregon iirc the second major option only applies to new york state residents. </p>

<p>good luck...</p>

<p>Hi Jason,
Where did you get the information that the second major option only applies to NYS residents? If I were the OP, I would call the CALS admissions office because I think* all* CALS applicants can apply to a second choice major within CALS. I am a very active volunteer, and I haven’t read anything about that option being restricted to NYS applicants. As with all advice from CC, including my own, I always advise students to research important information at the source (the university) and not take any advice on this forum as Gospel, unless it is from one of the admissions reps from that particular college. The only programs that I know of that are NYS student specific are HEOP, EOP and CSTEP, but there are not limited to CALS.</p>

<p>SriLankanGangsta: Realizing that the deadline is January 1st, and you cannot call the admission office, I would go ahead and fill out the second essay for CALS. I am assuming that you are applying to AEM since you inquired about Economics as a second major. JasonSK gave you correct information regarding applying to a second major within the CALS only. If you are interested in business and the life sciences for instance, a second choice major consideration could be biology. I note this because in 2004 Cornell recognized the need for the life sciences and business to be be in sync with each other by establishing a professorship "on the business of the life sciences". To quote the dean of CALS, the professorship will enhance the ability "to foster leadership at the interface of business and science where entrepreneurs and emerging technologies meet."
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^Yea, how do you talk about the second part of that prompt, where they ask you how CALS can teach you to become a leader in your field?</p>

<p>I can only come up with something stupid like “a superior knowledge of science to lead future scientific endeavors”… well not that specifically, but around the same level.</p>