Cambridge Masters Offer Worth Accepting?

Hello all.

I graduated from a Top 10 British University with a 1st Class (4.0 GPA) Engineering and Management degree (in 2014). I recently began working at a London boutique as a Investment Analyst (corporate finance) covering technology clients and aspire to eventually move towards BB banks and have had previous internships at such firms.

However, I have an offer to do a Masters at Cambridge (September 2015) but the course is in Industrial Systems, Manufacturing and Business Management (essentially a mini-MBA within engineering). It is also based on live case studies of visiting industry and solving client’s business issues hence why most course alumni go into top strategy consulting firms.

I have the following dilemma:
Pros: prestige short/long term which helps job security and getting into BB banks, better chance getting into a top Business School coming from Cambridge, the course is not costly, course content may assist working with tech clients.

Cons: Not a finance masters (but this is much more costly for me).

Do you believe it is worth accepting the course given my career aims? Interested to see any helpful answers.
Thanks a lot.

I have no personal experience but am moved to respond because I have recently encountered two people who did graduate experience at Cambridge—an American woman and a British man. Both had a wonderful experience there, and based on their descriptions I would not hesitate to accept this opportunity. They were both in science (one engineering), and for the woman, it led to other opportunities.

Regarding your career goals, large companies like to promote employees who have experience in different areas. I don’t think this is as off-track as you might imagine. Jump in!

Thanks for your reply. I tend to agree and think the long-term value of a Cambridge branded degree cannot be underestimated.