Hello all.
I graduated from a Top 10 British University with a 1st Class (4.0 GPA) Engineering and Management degree (in 2014). I recently began working at a London boutique as a Investment Analyst (corporate finance) covering technology clients and aspire to eventually move towards BB banks and have had previous internships at such firms.
However, I have an offer to do a Masters at Cambridge (September 2015) but the course is in Industrial Systems, Manufacturing and Business Management (essentially a mini-MBA within engineering). It is also based on live case studies of visiting industry and solving client’s business issues hence why most course alumni go into top strategy consulting firms.
I have the following dilemma:
Pros: prestige short/long term which helps job security and getting into BB banks, better chance getting into a top Business School coming from Cambridge, the course is not costly, course content may assist working with tech clients.
Cons: Not a finance masters (but this is much more costly for me).
Do you believe it is worth accepting the course given my career aims? Interested to see any helpful answers.
Thanks a lot.