I’m self studying AP Bio using the campbell reece 7th, 8th, and 9th editions. I wanted to know which chapters of the books are actually covered by the AP test. Thanks!
I’m taking the course, and we’re using Campbell’s Biology, AP Edition. Hope this helps!
Every chapter except 35-39, really. Those chapters are plant biology which you don’t really need to know. Just know the basic structure of a plant and their functions (stomata, stamen, etc.)
Also, don’t stress out too too much on the anatomy towards the end of the book; review those chapters a little bit just so you can get the gist of the info.
Just wanted to reply back to the thread and do a follow up. I actually didn’t end up reading any of the Campbell Reece book. I self studied and got a 5 using just Barron’s!
@TodaysEinstein Wow! Great job!