<p>Are there any restrictions on bandwidth or anything? How watchful is Penn of bandwidth usage? I know that you can get fined and everything, but torrents and such aren't all automatically blacklisted are they? For example stuff that's not associated with MPAA or other major companies/labels.</p>
<p>You can use torrents on campus. I’m not sure about a bandwith limit, but if you do a search here it might pop up. I don’t know of anyone who has complained about reaching the bandwith limit.</p>
<p>Thanks, I found the other thread, guess I’ll stick with direct downloads if I need something.</p>
<p>there’s no bandwidth limit, but if you get caught by the riaa / mpaa, penn is not going to protect you (and if you are caught, you’ll be warned / fined by the office of student conduct)</p>
<p>Is Penn punishing students for just getting one of these DMCA warnings? In my experience they are often sent out without any real evidence. I got one myself once for connecting a dummy program to a tracker to test some bittorrent functionality without having downloaded a single byte of the file I got the warning for.</p>
<p>I know some schools are protecting their students, but Penn isn’t one of them I suppose? At my old school these warnings were deleted without even being read (I worked at network operations at one point) and something was done only if contacted by the police. With Wharton being such an important part of the school, I would assume that suits have some influence on school policy?</p>