<p>I remember reading a while back that Penn specifically throttles or somehow blocks torrent clients, and that they even send letters telling students to stop using such programs. I was wondering if a current student or somebody who just knows something about this could fill me in? Not that it affects my decision at all, I'm just curious. Thanks ahead of time</p>
<p>no, and no… torrenting is not throttled</p>
<p>however, riaa / mpaa requests have been sent through</p>
<p>I’ve torrented quite a bit since I’ve been here and haven’t received any warnings/e-mails/etc. Apparently our school is ranked in the top 3 for piracy</p>
<p>The connection here is great…I can usually get around 800kb/s =)</p>
<p>800 kb/s O.o…sweet</p>