Campus tour vs open house

We live 10 minutes away. My ds hs engineering program has a partnership with Rowan engineering so he’s had interaction with the engineering departments. He also is very involved in the music program in at hs and again has had interaction with music professors and played at theater. So, he really doesn’t feel he needs a campus tour. I told him he needs to see other areas and dorms.

What would you suggest would be best option for him.
Thank you.

I think you and your son should research the particulars about the open house and campus tour for Rowan.

I would look at the schedule for the open house to see what is offered that day – open house activities vary greatly from school to school.

Your son can also call admissions to explain his situation and ask if the general tour shows dorm rooms (and whatever else he wants to see).

He might also ask if there are any tours or events that focus on engineering.

@happy1 neither really say you see a dorm room. It states on open house you hear about housing. Tour very general - seeing campus. Which we drive through regularly. I will have him check it out more for answers. thx

Some campuses make you sign in for attendence. This is how they track you and your interests… Since you know the school make an appointment and speak to faculty in his interest. Always something to learn. Both my kids had meetings with professors since after awhile all the tours e etc seems the same.