Campus Visit (official v. self-guided)

We visited a school that is high on D24’s list back in the spring. There were no official tours scheduled that day, so we did a self-guided one. We did stop in the Admissions office to get a map and they took down D24’s information, so they know she visited.

I looking at the application guidelines for this school, they recommend visiting campus. Do you think we need to schedule an official tour to get “credit” for demonstrated interest, or do you think they have record of our unofficial visit?

Heck no - and are you sure they required interest.

You might do an online info session and make sure to open their emails and play videos - even if you walk away.

But they noted your attendance already.

I wouldn’t over think it.

You can look in the common data set to see if it even matters or name the school and we can let you know.


She has “official credit.” They know she visited and they have her info. She can revisit if she is accepted.


On your application, there will be a place to list contacts you’ve had with the school – you can list a self-guided tour with the date. You introduced yourselves at the admissions office, which verifies the tour. If you do this in the future (or maybe you did it this one time, as well), see if there’s a self-guided tour you can take with an app on your phone, which will guide your route and include explanations of the places you’re seeing and relevant programs – you’ll get more information that way (as opposed to just walking around), and you usually have to register for the guided tour, so your kid’s name will be in the system as having done it.

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