Need official visit for ED?

Dear S24 is applying ED1 to Bates. We went on an official visit in 2021 with DS22. S24 has benefited from seeing over a dozen colleges now. This past summer we toured other colleges and after review, S24 believes Bates is best fit. Do you think an official visit is needed or is applying ED already showing full commitment?

You don’t have to visit a second time. On his application, he can list the 2021 visit (there’s a section for that on the Bates-specific section of the common app). If he’d like, he can also request an interview (would highly recommend this) and do a virtual tour (Bates tracks this activity). For the record, my D23 did not visit Bates in person but did have an interview and did a virtual tour, and she was accepted RD – at that point, she visited when making her decision (and now, she’s getting ready for move-in day on Thursday!). So I can’t chance your S, but I can assure you that not doing a second visit will have no influence on his application result. As you suggest, applying ED is the ultimate way to demonstrate interest.


Applying ED is the strongest form of commitment/demonstrated interest. If there is a spot on the application he can note the visit made in 2021.

That said, if he wants to revisit Bates to confirm it is his top choice I would try to make it happen. FWIW I’d try to visit Bates again if possible.


You don’t need to visit again to convince Bates of your interest - ED does that. Your S may want to visit again to confirm it is as he remembers and that it still feels right. He doesn’t have to, of course, but it’s not unusual for younger students to find certain elements attractive that diminish in importance as they mature. Would your 6th grade self have seen your high school as accurately as your 8th grade self? But it’s really your call – it sounds like nobody (you, your S) feels a need.


Thanks everyone for your input. We live in CA so it’s not an easy trip. DS24 always wanted LAC and initially thought a bigger LAC (Wesleyan, Colgate) is what he preferred but realizes a class size of 500 is ideal, not too small, and the vibe at Bates is what he wants among other factors. We have toured almost 17 schools between the two kids and glad this is my last rodeo! I think if he gets deferred we will visit to show this is his first choice.


We really like Bates’s first year experience and focus on support throughout the first year. My eldest really loved Bates too and so do we.


Honestly, I think 2021 is recent enough that if he liked it then, he’ll like it now. My S26 tagged along on a lot of D23’s college tours and developed a pretty decent sense of what he’s looking for – and that was the summer before freshman year for him. We’ll still do plenty of additional visits for him because their lists won’t overlap completely, but there are a few colleges from Round 1 that he won’t need to revisit because he already knows he really likes (or really dislikes) them.

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Sounds great! Hope Bates works out for him.


You are committing to go - they don’t care if you visit. But you can start a chat with a counselor and let them know you were there with sibling.

With ED, you are bound. Nothing says DI like ED.


Deferred students usually can write a Letter of Continued Interest(LOCI) where he can make sure they know his preference. A visit probably won’t move the needle.

Best of luck!


ED by itself is the greatest possible demonstration of highest level of interest.

The possible reason to visit is if the student needs another visit to be sure that the ED school is the top choice.


My son (high school class of 2021) applied to Bates ED2, having never visited the campus, and got in. This is not generally what I’d recommend - for my own children or others - but it was summer of 2020, right in the middle of Covid, and campuses were not welcoming visits, especially the Maine schools. He had done a few official tours prior to Covid, and lots of unofficial visits, walking around campuses, etc. but the Maine schools were particularly adamant about not wanting outsiders on campus. He applied to another LAC ED1 and didn’t get in, and then become really confident that Bates was his clear second choice - it ticked all of his boxes. So, he applied, got in, took gap year right after he graduated, and had his freshman year there last year. He loves it! I was nervous, but it turned out to be a great decision and he’d very excited to go back for his sophomore year.

OP, in your son’s case, he has seen the campus, and even had a tour, plus he’s seen lots of other campuses, also with official visits and tours. I think your son is in a great position to be confident about his decision about Bates. If he applies ED, Bates is certainly not going to question his commitment, so if he’s sure, I think he should go for it!


Thank you.

Wonderful your son loves Bates! Thank you for taking time to respond.


Also adding, given you are in CA I don’t think that another visit (or any visit at all really) would be expected even with a RD application.

There may well be some things your S can do from CA to confirm his choice and (if desired) show additional interest (again, ED is the most important show of interest as far as the school is concerned) – see if there are online tours, get on the email list, ask if any admission officer is doing a presentation out in CA, ask if alumni interviews are available etc.

Sounds like Bates is a great option for your S and I hope things work out for him.


Thank you happy1. Yes, son plans to do virtual tour, connect with current students, and interview with alumni to learn more about the school and confirm ED. To clarify, our official visit was registered with DS22. I believe since S24 attended tour it’s ok to say he visited in 2021. I agree with others that it’s not easy to make another trip to see Maine colleges.


I don’t think anyone will care if it was an official visit or not. He can mention that he visited with his brother somewhere in the application or in an email to admissions.

FWIW my D applied to the college my S attended. She did not do an official visit since we were on campus many times and she got more information from her brother than she would get on any tour. In her “why X college” essay she mentioned the situation and it didn’t seem to be an issue (she got in but attended elsewhere). So official visits are not always needed, especially when there are other significant displays of interest – and your S sounds like he is doing everything right.

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Thanks for sharing your experience!

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