Campus visits?

Ds is a junior in hs. As we start looking at this process I was wondering if school offers tours or meetings with mt staff ? His sibling plays a college sport and we will be traveling in sept or Oct to some schools he will be applying to. Just curious if he can email and see about meeting with anyone? Also are auditions always a set weekend or would a school ever let him audition when he’s there if by some miracle he passed a pre screen super early?

Thanks so much!

We did several visits when our DD was a Junior, in the fall of that year. The schools are more than happy to take visits with Juniors, from our experience. Remember, your application schedule as an MT applicant is significantly different than a “common student” so its not a bad idea to look as a Junior, especially just to see the different atmospheres between big schools, little schools, rural, big city, etc. Just keep in mind the one thing we learned - don’t get your heart set on a school based on a visit because the application and acceptance process is difficult and you may not actually get accepted there! It can help eliminate some schools to apply to, and definitely helps you get an idea of the “type” of school your student likes best. Good Luck!

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It is certainly reasonable to look at some schools to get a feel. Auditions are very regimented with many many kids auditioning in one day in 10-15 minute slots. I could not imagine any school offering auditions outside of their schedule.

Agree with previous poster, I would be extremely surprised if there were any possibility to audition on a random visit day, there’s a lot of working parts to the audition process and getting them altogether on a random day seems like a big task, and frankly, a big ask. Our approach could be antiquated, but I tended to feel like asking for anything out of the ordinary could negatively impact the process.