Can an extra score hurt you?

<p>Like the title said, will an extra score hurt you? If the score is below how you normally do, would it be better to cancel it? Assuming that you have met requirements.</p>

<p>More concretely, I will have 3 great SAT II scores, but I will have one SAT II score (in physics) that will be significantly below those three. Should I cancel the score? I am guessing that it will be anywhere from 680-760ish, while I have gotten two 790s and I'm hopefully going to get an 800 in Math II. I also have a 2390 SAT score, but that's kind of unrelated (or not?)</p>

<p>Could this hurt my app, or would the lower score just be ignored at worst?</p>

<p>I don’t think it will hurt if it’s 700+. You can also score choice at some schools if you worry.</p>

<p>wilsun – depends on the school.</p>

<p>For example, some schools that superscore claim that the ‘superscore’ is all that shows up on the computer – they don’t even see the lower SAT scores in the process.</p>

<p>Other schools that are SAT optional claim that you shouldn’t send in something that will look bad.</p>

<p>So, assume that EVERYTHING you send in will be looked at unless you have specific knowledge to the contrary.</p>