<p>Let me know if you are interested in reading both my UC essays and giving me some good advice/corrections. Of course, I'm more than willing to edit yours as well.</p>
<p>I'd be glad to take a look and give some feedback. PM me :)</p>
<p>heyhey. i need someone to edit my essay. i'll help with both of your essays if you can help me on both of mine too. lol thanks</p>
<p>If you PM me, ill be happy to edit and give some feedback!</p>
<p>I'll read, just PM me</p>
ill read yours if you read mine!
pm me</p>
<p>sure, send them over!</p>
<p>i'll read em :]</p>
<p>i'll be glad to read it =)</p>
<p>thanks so much everyone! feel free to PM me your essays too if you would like me to edit them!</p>
<p>sure, I can edit yours. I finished the first prompt for the UC personal statement. Would you help me edit mine? :)</p>
<p>I'll read yours too. :)</p>
<p>I can read urs!</p>
<p>I'd love to edit yours. I'm adding final touches to my UC essay #1, you can edit mine in return after I'm finished if you like.</p>
i would like to read yours and give some solid feedbacks. I can send you mine
if you want…
PM your essay to me and I will PM mine to you.</p>
<p>sure i’d love to read them. pm me</p>