<p>Cycling is the only sport I'm any good at, but there are no local high school leagues. I guess I could start a club, but not a competitive one.</p>
<p>Many of the colleges I would like to get into (for engineering) have cycling teams - UC's, Stanford, U Michigan, and others. There is an organized league called the "National Collegiate Cycling Championships"</p>
<p>Are there any schools that would recognize cycling not just as an E.C. but a full sport for people who intend to join the college's team? If there are any, is there any way I can show my abilities with no cycling teams around?</p>
<p>Contact the coaches of the teams at the colleges you’re interested in, they’ll tell you if they have any pull. Are you sure they’re not just clubs?</p>
<p>It’d certainly be applicable if they have a team, and you have some way of showing times. “I ride at home all the time” isn’t going to amount to much, even if you’re tremendous.</p>
<p>Unfortunately I haven’t done anything organized at all. I was never aware of the USA Cycling organization you’ve alerted me to; it would’ve been great to know such a thing existed a few years ago. Being a junior now, would I have time to get anywhere in the organization before application season next year? </p>
<p>I ride 20 miles a day at least five days a week (with a stationary bike for bad weather). Not sure if that’s impressive or laughable.</p>
<p>Sure, the 2009 racing season will be beginning in the next several months. As soon as there is a race nearby, you could enter. You could have a whole season of races and accomplishments for your application at the end of this year.</p>
<p>The thing for you to do is to find a [nearby</a> cycling club](<a href=“http://www.usacycling.org/clubs/]nearby”>http://www.usacycling.org/clubs/), one preferably with a junior program. Contact and join that club, and go on their training rides. Enter as a club member into USCF races (found by going to the website of your [local associations](<a href=“https://www.usacycling.org/la/”>https://www.usacycling.org/la/</a> )), and compile a record this season. This fall, contact the cycling clubs at the schools to which you will be applying, tout your impressive racing record, and see if they don’t make a referral of you to admissions. Admissions are always talking about demonstrating passion, and demonstrating said passion for a sport the college has an intercollegiate club sport in sounds like a novel winning EC.</p>