Can college feel like high school at times?

IMO, it sometimes does, but it all depends on every student’s maturity level and how they interact with each other.

You can give me other things besides maturity and interaction if I’m missing anything.

If a commuter college it can feel a lot like high school or if you are a commuter at a residential college.

I miss high school. No anxiety-inducing job search. Less homework. Easier classes. Being near my family and friends.

College is nothing like that for me!

I think that it depends upon the university. For me none of the universities that I attended were anything like high school.

I went to a commuter school after high school (in my small hometown) and then transferred to another college that was not in my hometown after 2 years. I hated the commuter school (compared to high school) - my high school friends all went in different directions and I couldn’t seem to make new friends at college because I went home after classes everyday. I loved the second college I attended that I didn’t commute to (compared to both high school and the first commuter college). It was less cliquey than both prior schools, and I happened to live in a small co-ed dorm where it was easy to meet new friends. I also made a lot of friends in my major classes as my major program was very small. So I had more social opportunities at the non-commuter college. It was harder academically than high school by far, but I still enjoyed it more.

That being said, neither of my college experiences was anything at all like my small high school. I had 40 kids in my graduating class, so both colleges, one with 2000 students and the other with 15,000 students were both “bigger” to me. I guess I got tired of hanging out with the same people in high school, because the friends I made at my bigger college were like a breath of fresh air - they were more ‘my type’ of people.

And I hate to say it, but I also liked being away from my family. I loved them, but life at home was boring.

Funny enough, many situations in life can still feel like high school, long after high school and/or college are over. For me it is a feeling that comes about by the way different people around me behave, perhaps due to differing levels of maturity, etc.

Some small liberal arts colleges have fewer students than many large high schools. They can feel a LOT like high school because you see the same people constantly.

Depends what aspect of high school.

Seeing the same people all the time, as @mommyrocks said is common at LACs.

But being out and about during the daytime is quite different.

People dynamics? much less daily drama, but I see HS dynamics at work waaaaayyyyy too often- in people older than I am

If you are not living at home, realizing how much you are in charge of yourself- the highs (all-night diner run anybody?) the annoying (navigating admin- again), the boring (in charge of 100% of the chores now) and the lows (being sick and having to go get your own medicine…).

Depending on the school, yes. A small school in a relatively isolated area definitely can.