Can I call SUNY Geneseo a safety for me?

<p>Any advice is helpful, thank you!</p>

<p>I. Basic Stats:
Sex: Male
Location: New York
School Does Not Rank</p>

<p>II. GPA:
94 Unweighted
96 Weighted</p>

<p>III. Test Scores
202 on PSAT
ESTIMATED 2100 on SAT I (based on practice SATs)
690 on Math Level I (not sending)
710 on Math Level II (def sending)
650 on Biology E (maybe sending) <--- self studied</p>

<p>IV. Extracurriculars
- 4 years of Spanish Club
- 4 years of Key Club
- 3 years of Teen Animal Protectors (President for 2 years)
- 3 years of Environmental Club (VP and Secretary for 2 years)
- 3 years of Philosophy Club (Publicist for 2 years)
- 3 years of Future Educators (Executive Board Member for 2 years)
- 3 years of Spanish Honor Society
- 2 years of Varsity Tennis, 2 years of JV Tennis (Captain for 2 years)
- 1 year of Mock Trial
- 1 year of Euro Challenge (President for 1 year)
- 1 year of Ichtus Club
- Many hours of volunteering (like 100+)</p>

<p>V. Achievements:
- Commended on 2009 PSAT (202)
- Bronze Medal on National Spanish Exam.
- Tennis Captain for 2 years
- Received Sportsmanship Award every year (4 years)
- Member of National Honor Society
- Member of National Spanish Honors Society</p>

<p>VI. Working Experience:
- Ralph's Italian Ices as a Cashier over Soph Summer
- Working at local library as a page for Junior Fall and Winter
- Private Tutor in the present time</p>

<p>VII. AP Classes:
SOPH: AP Euro (4)
SENIOR: AP Lit, AP Bio, AP Environmental, AP Gov and AP Calc AB</p>

<p>Honestly I dont think that anyone can call Geneseo a safety school anymore. Their number of applications jumped almost 4x and their acceptance rate dropped from 37% to around 10% this year. Id say that if you score your "projected SAT" score then you should have a good chance at it but I think that you'll find that the economy is just going to result in even more applications to the SUNY School system next year, especially Geneseo, the "gem" of the SUNY schools.</p>

<p>I think you can call it a "high safety." Be sure not to make it your ONLY safety because Geneseo is the most competitive SUNY school and with the economic crisis they have been receiving MANY outstanding candidates from the new york high schools. Be sure to put another safety or two on your college list with a little higher acceptance rate as well (40% would probably be good). I will probably be doing the same thing next year. My stats are freakishly similar to yours haha (just about same GPA, same on math level 1, ec's, etc.)</p>

<p>Thanks to the both of you! I have heard that Geneseo has gotten ultracompetitive over the last couple of years. </p>

<p>I guess SUNY Binghamton would be a good safety rightt?</p>

<p>wtreed2 -- Where did you get the idea that Geneseo's applications jumped "almost 4X this year." That is patently untrue. A neighbor's daughter received her acceptance from Geneseo Saturday and the letter indicated that 11,000 applications were received. Are trying to suggest that Geneseo only received 3,000 applications from the Class of 2012? As for that 10% acceptance rate? Try again.</p>

<p>BTW mcvcm92, your GPA, test scores and ECs are comparable to my neighbor's daughter's.</p>

<p>Thanks Hudson! I am still waiting for the Common Data Set to come out for this year, so I can make some comparisons, but I will take your word for the acceptance rate and the application increase.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>An interesting article about the huge jump in applications to all SUNYs.</p>

<p>hudsonvalley....when I received my acceptance letter to Geneseo it stated that there were "nearly 11,000 applicants for 870 positions" that 10% seems pretty accurate.</p>

<p>MPNY -- So you are saying Geneseo gets a 100% yield???</p>

<p>I know you don't mean that. I'm sure you are aware that Geneseo, like all colleges -- even Harvard -- has to accept more students than they have room for in order to account for those who will ultimately decide to attend elsewhere. And, in the case of Geneseo, many of its applicants use it as a safety and end up accepting another highly selective school -- like Harvard -- if they are admitted.</p>

<p>MCVCM92, yes, wait till this years data comes out is good advice. Also speak to your guidance counselor. I suspect the data you want is In-state admits, with EOP pulled out. Does your school use Naviance (a database system which can give more data?). Good luck.</p>

<p>No, that is not what I was saying, and yes, I am actually aware of the difference between the acceptance ratio vs. yield. What I was trying to point out was since the application rate increase quite a bit this year the application/availability ratio was about 10%. Doesn't take much to get your panties in a wad, does it?</p>

<p>No MPNY you are wrong, the letter means that Geneseo is expecting 870 out of the accepted people to attend. They probably accepted around 3,500 or something close to that number.</p>

<p>Geneseo's freshman class is always between 900 and 975. They are just trying to sound more selective with that 870 number. An adcom told me that they have historically accepted around 3,000 kids but last year they selected about 2,500 and this year they accepted about 2,000. Apparently their yield is increasing more and more every year aka more students are going than ever. I attribute this to the quality of education Geneseo offers at such an affordable price.</p>

<p>OMG bdmet....don't you think I freakin' know that???? I know what the freakin' letter says, I posted a quote from it.....I know the difference between the acceptance and the yield....for gosh sakes re-read my post and see if you can get the meaning this time.</p>

The numbers combined from college board and the acceptance letter that I received are what gave me the answers that I posted, and yes, from the statistics posted on college board (37% of students accepted and the freshman class of 1081, you do the math). And yes I know the difference between the accepted students and the yield, but either way, this year utterly shattered any year in the college's history.</p>

<p>wait, what was up with this year? more acceptances ?</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many applications Geneseo received this year and how many students were offered admission. 11,000 applications? 2,000 offered admission? Colleagues of mine have kids with impressive academic credentials who still have not heard yet.</p>

<p>geneseograd.....just under 11,000 applicants for 870 position on RD. (This is what was on my acceptance letter)</p>

<p>wtreed2 -- IF Geneseo accepted only 2,000 applicants this year, out of 11,000 applications received, that means the admission rate was 18%. That is not 10% although I concede it is very low and reflects, in part, the record number of applicants. Whatever the final admission rate turns out to be -- 15%, 20%, whatever -- this will be the toughest year yet to secure admission to Geneseo (and several other SUNYs). </p>

<p>We are in full agreement as per the OPs question, Geneseo is not a safety for most people.</p>

<p>Agree with Hudson Valley, </p>

<p>I would also caution people re the difference between admission standards for in-state v. out of state. Someone else commented that Binghamton has for a while had higher standards for instate than OOS, and my child's GC thinks other SUNYs are now on that bandwagon.</p>