Can I consider myself African American?

<p>I really don’t know why middle eastern people are counted as white even though they don’t look anything like Europeans. Did you know native Americans were once counted as white?</p>

<p>OP, you’re not African-American in the context of CA. African Americans is a way of referring to black people in the US whose ancestors were slaves brought here from Africa. Even a black person who is first generation is not considered “African American”. He is just African person. If you are Egyptian, then you are Arab/ Middle Eastern, which is not the same as a black person.
African American= A black guy</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>See posts numbers 9, 10 and 13.</p>

<p>Lifeofsolitude, I am Egyptian as well, and I was wondering, what did you end up putting on your application and how did everything turn out for you?</p>

<p>Lifeofsolitude, I am Egyptian as well, and I was wondering, what race did you end up putting on your application and how did everything turn out for you?</p>

<p>kooky: welcome to CC. However, don’t resurrect old threads. If you left click on the OP’s username, you’ll get the option to pull up her posting history. She faced a series of rejections and was hoping to transfer into USC or Loyola. Don’t know where she was actually attending.</p>

<p>This thread is the bomb</p>

<p>Wow though, the amount of misinformation in this thread.</p>

<p>The number of people treating arbitrary racial categories established by this or that nation as if they accurately represent the incredible diversity of the real world. Wow.</p>

<p>I mean, just for starters, the term “Middle East” is based in Eurocentric geography. As in the “Near East” is the part of Asia closest to Europe and “Far East” is the part of Asia farthest from it. There’s been semantic drift since the terms were created, with “Near” now being pretty much completely out of use “Middle” taking up much of the region previously described by “Middle.” (Does no one think it strange that Central Asia and the Middle East are not the same region? Nor that the Middle East region would be less Eurocentrically described as SW Asia?) Middle East has also been expanded to include many regions formerly conquered by various Islamic dynasties. A cursory look at any other empire’s former area should tell you that conquest is hardly a good arbiter or ethnicity. </p>

<p>Besides that, the variation between what is called a “race” by each nation makes it even clearer that the delineations are arbitrarily decided. If I leave the US and go to France, people assume I’m a different race than what I think of myself as. If I go to Brazil, I’m a different race again. What “Caucasian” means in America, it means in very few other countries. </p>

<p>And on top of that there are the simplifications that nations use to ease categorization that are simply nonsensical. Write down “Muslim” on your US census form and you’re taken as white, but Islam is the most diverse religion in America, with no majority race. In fact, the plurality of Muslims in America are black! And, to begin to consider the many American Muslims who are recent immigrants, the nation with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia, with 25% (again, a plurality) of Muslims coming from South Asia, not the nebulously defined “Middle East.”</p>