Can I drop UCSC for UCSD after committing to UCSC?

lol pretty sure I know the answer to this but my brain is super jumbled right now and I just want to double check–

I got waitlisted to UCSD, and I don’t know how high my chances truly are of getting off it, but if I commit to UCSC and find out later around June that I have been accepted off the waitlist to UCSD, can I drop the commitment? Or is it not an option…like what are the consequences?

(sorry, I feel like this is a pretty stupid question, but I’m pretty confused with a lot of the college process information being thrown at me right now hahah)

Thank you!

Yes. If you get off the waitlist, you’ll have a short amount of time to accept or not. You must first notify the school which you deposited that you won’t be attending, then notify UCSD you will accept their spot. You might have to forfeit your deposit, depending on the college. You can’t double deposit, but when handled in the way I described, it is not an issue.

That makes sense, thank you so much!

It is not a stupid question. Most schools will not notify students that they got off of the wait list until after everyone has SIR’d on May 1. Once the school knows how many admits are or are not coming, they will know how many students to accept off of the wait list. Other schools are aware of this and expect some that committed to withdraw to accept a position at another school.

99% chance you would forfeit both your SIR deposit and your housing deposit at UCSC if you bolted for UCSD.

I wouldn’t count on getting off the waitlist, but on the other hand you do need to have some planning in place ahead of time, if it does happen. Generally, you have 5 days to decide. Another factor may be that you might not have much choice in housing availability at UCSD should you decide to bolt, since housing assignments will have already been done.

Thank you guys! Helps a lot.

((how do you close a discussion on here? fairly new to cc haha))

Please note that housing at UCSD is extremely limited.

If you get off the waitlist for UCSD, assume you will need to find off-campus housing.

There has always been an issue with housing at UCSD. Since it is the La Jolla area, assume very high rents for off-campus sites. Most kids can’t afford that area so they go outside the neighborhood and need transportation to and from campus. That means parking fees, IF you can find parking at UCSD.

Thank you, I’ve heard about that as well. Will definitely keep that in mind when results come out, since getting off the waitlist itself is a slim chance so far.

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