<p>This is my number one choice, but I'm not sure I can get it, my numbers are okay, and I have a lot of extra cirricular activities, but I'm not sure if they will compensate. Here's my profile:</p>
<p>I have a 4.0000 GPA and I got a 1680 on my SAT (but I've only taken it once, and I'm definitly going to try to bring it up to at least a 1800, hopefully higher than that)</p>
<p>I've taken 3 AP Classes throughout Junior year, and I'm taking 5 senior year, giving me a total of 8 AP Classes. (AP World History, AP Language, AP Literature, AP US History, AP Environmental Science, AP 3D Art, AP Psychology, AP Calculus) </p>
<p>As far as clubs, I've founded and am President of the Recycling Club at my school. I'm also President of AVID, and I'm part of National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society,the Herd (school spirit club) and I was part of DECA club at one point. For Community Service, I'm part of Kell's Angels and Sunday Scholars. Lastly, I'm involved in a cultural club called American Druze Society and also in its subgroup, American Druze Youth Assoication. </p>
<p>For Work Experience, I've been working at Abercrombie Kids since April and was once a manager for my Track and Field team during my injury. </p>
<p>With that being said, I did both Cross Country and Track & Frield for both my Sophomore and Junior year. I was a Varsity runner for both sports and earned a varsity letter in Cross Country. </p>
<p>In regards to my other awards, I've won "Outstanding 10th Grader in Social Studies", "National Language Arts Award" given by the US Achievement Academy, the "Fine Arts Student of the Month", and the "Wendy's Hiesman School Award Winner". On top of that, I've been on the Prinicple's Honor Roll all four years. </p>
<p>In addition to this, I am fluent in Arabic, since I'm Lebanese.</p>
<p>Thanks for taking the time out to read this!</p>