Can I get into Georgia Tech?

Hello, I am new to the form and would like to ask for all of your opinion concerning my chances of getting accepted into Georgia Tech. Being a Hispanic student (mother immigrated here from Peru) whose first learned language was Spanish, I felt that this was the appropriate form for my inquiry, especially given that I feel that my heritage adds a unique element to my application (just my humble opinion ). I intend on majoring in either Biology or Biochemistry as a pre-med. Anyways, as far as numbers are concerned, here goes (I am currently a HS senior):

SAT Single Sitting (New): 1400/1600 (Math: 710 Reading and Writing: 690)
Essay Score: 8-8-8
SAT Subject Tests: Math 2: 670 Chem: 650 US History: 750

AP Exams: US History: 5 Chemistry: 3 (I will be taking the AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, and AP Spanish Lang exams at the end of my senior year)

Weighted GPA: 4.00 (95 on the 0-100 scale)

Honors: High Honors each marking period up until the end of my junior year (senior semester has just begun)

AP Courses: AP US I, AP US II, AP Chem, AP Physics C, AP Spanish

Honors Courses: (I do realize that honors courses are not a regulated curriculum in the way that AP is, but here is the list anyways) Geometry Honors, Pre-Calc Honors

Volunteer Work: Park cleanup, tutoring, food kitchen, taught English for a week to a small school district in Peru (I did this thanks to a connection I have with one of the district’s administrators)

Extracurriculars and Misc.: Politics Club Member, Red Cross club member, Lab Assistant for my AP Chem teacher, Flight Simulation Club (this as been a lifelong passion/hobby of mine), participated in a CNN interview in which the anchor was to interview students about their political views on this election (I was one of the 10 students recommended to be interviewed in a school of 800). Fluent in Spanish

If you have any questions concerning my application, please let me know. Also, I have done quite extensive research on the school and it does look like a bit of a reach for me, but I would still like to hear an opinion from a third party. Thanks

Hey guys, I generated a new thread with the same information in the “what are my chances” forum, as I felt that it was more appropriate for my inquiry after doing a bit of looking around. As I cannot delete threads (or at least that’s what it seems like?), that unfortunately means that there are essentially two of the same posts by me in the forums. I do apologize and ask you to disregard this post and head over to the “what are my chances” thread if you are interested. Thanks

@markjav1 I don’t do chance threads, but I do have a hispanic DD at Georgia Tech. Be sure to apply Early Action which is due Oct. 15. Much better chances. Also reach out via email and introduce your self to GT’s Hispanic Recruitment Team (see their facebook page too) and to the person in charge of hispanic recruitment at GT in the admissions office, Kevin Gonzalez. You can also reach out to GT-SHPE because I think they too have a recruitment team.

Introduce yourself, tell them some high points of your resume (like flight stimulation interest) and ask for them to keep you in mind if there any any special events at GT for Hispanic Students interest in Gt either at GT or in your city. Also reach out to the admission rep reponsible for your city. Remember Kevin and the rep will be reading your application.

Make sure you do a quality application. In the GT supplements be as specific as possible- related what you do to what GT has to offer and how that compliments those interests. GT likes students who will be engaged on campus and will be missed by their high schools when they leave (see Rick Clark’s interview on the admission book (can’t remember the exact title) website- you can google his name. Reach the admission blog for turther tips.

GT is a great school for the hispanic student and they provide wonderful support for their hispanic students. Make sure your refjects the quality student you are and that you will contribute to GT. As an aside, be sure to check off that you are interested in Grand Challenges. It is an incredible program. Good luck.

Thanks so much for the reply! I’ll be sure to follow your advice and get in touch with the Hispanic recruitment team and GT-SHPE. Aside from that, I’ll ensure to really make clear what I love about tech in my application. Thanks again for the reply and wishes

@markjav1 like ITSV says applying early action is a must. Not only your chances improve but it also put you in the run for scholarships. The best scholarships are given to early action applicants. I’ll suggest to continue to work in increasing your SAT scores. GaTech superscores so you can continue to build up your numbers. This is important in the case that you are deferred to regular decision. Are you instate or OOS? that plays on your chances.

Unfortunately GaTech has gotten extremely competitive with the common app. It’s getting to the point where is hard to say if they will say yes or no because the amount of quality applicants. The essay is a very important part of the application.

Good luck!

I have the same background and credentials as you, best of luck to the both and hope to meet you there !