Can I get into mid-tier UC's (ex. UCSB)? How do I fare for out-of-state colleges (ex. UW)?

(This is an updated version of an old thread.)

Hi! I’m a junior who really wants to go to USCB (it’s my dream school). I was hoping if I posted my resume I could possibly get some feedback about my chances regarding admission to UCSB?

Sophomore year unweighted GPA: 4.0 (first semester) & 3.67 (second semester, 2 B’s)
Junior year unweighted GPA: 3.67 (still in first semester, this is if I get A’s and only 2 B’s)

UC GPA (based off of sophomore year+estimated junior year 1st semester): 4.08

SAT: 1520 (taken Junior Year, but I’ve done a retake and will update if it is better)

-member of Young Mentors, an school club that offers free tutoring to under-priviledged kids (been doing since Freshman year)
-officer of Writer’s Block (an on-campus club that offers free help/editing for any English papers such as essays, college apps, and more)
-will be President of Writer’s Block in my senior year
-will have a job from the summer after junior year (most likely as an assistant art teacher or will work at a bakery/store) (also wondering, does the place I work matter?)
-California resident
-my school is known locally for being competitive and having a stressful environment (one of the top 10 high schools in CA, one of the top 30 STEM schools in the U.S., and one of the top 100 public high schools in the U.S.)
-asian (I’m not sure if it matters?)
-finishing CM Piano Level 10 in senior year
-Stanford Daily (the official Stanford University newspaper) internship in summer before Junior year, published one article regarding the SAT
-strong letter of recommendation from my Junior year English teacher (but I heard UC’s don’t accept them, so I don’t think this affects anything)
-letter of recommendation from my Junior year Precalculus teacher
-4 weighted classes junior year (APUSH, AP Bio, AP Stats, and English 11 Honors but I am struggling, will most likely get 2 B’s first semester, hopefully only 1)

*I am not the top of my class, I’m average while my peers are really talented (I’m not sure if class rank matters, or how I compare to people from other schools because my school is quite different)

I’ve heard the competition to get into UCSB is tough, and I’m really stressed out about my chances. I’m struggling in Junior year right now, hopefully it will get better soon:( If you can give some feedback or tips, I would be so grateful! Thank you so much if you can.

Regarding UCSB, you have been given the stats and your possible chance for the Mid-tier UC’s. Why don’t you wait until end of Junior year when you will have your actual UC GPA vs. projected GPA along with your cumulative GPA 9-11th grades for the other schools on your list.

Your SAT is competitive. If you continue to do well Junior year and attain the 4.08 or higher UC GPA, you have a very good chance at UCSB and several other UC’s.

Just continue to do your best, take a challenging Senior year course load, continue to participate in the EC’s you enjoy and you will have several options after the application process.

Best of luck.