Can I get some help?

<p>Hi guys, I'm a resident of Arizona and am starting to consider my choices for applications. I'm a junior with a very rigorous academic carreer but only mildly above average scores on the SAT, here are my stats:</p>


<p>Unweighted Cummulative: 3.8-4.0
Weighted Cummulative: 4.4-4.6</p>

<p>AP Courses (test scores):</p>

<p>APUSH (3), Eng 11 (5), Chemistry (5), Spanish IV (4)</p>

<p>Senior AP Courses:</p>

<p>Calc AB, Music Theory, Gov/Econ, Eng 12, Spanish VI, Biology</p>

<p>^ Taking all tests, plus Psychology and both economics</p>


<p>1 Year Varsity Wrestling
2 Years Varsity Orchestra (total 7 years)
4 Years Key Club
1 Year We the People club, 1 Year debate</p>


<p>100+ hours outside of Key Club</p>


<p>620 Verbal (LOW, boo)
780 Math (checking for computer error)</p>

<p>SAT II:</p>

<p>Not taken, taking chem, math I, math II, USH</p>


<p>Taking for a projected perfect in math and writing; mid-to-high in reading.</p>

<p>What are some of my matches, safeties, and reaches.</p>

<p>I want to apply at:</p>

<p>Stanford (reach?, high match?)
UT Austin (safety)
ASU (safety)</p>

<p>And, in order to make Stanford a decent match, what should I do with my tests and test scores? 700 reading and 800 math on SAT should make that area fair admissions?</p>

<p>I need as much help with the next year as possible, thanks.</p>


<p>Am I that far behind the game?</p>

<p>3.8 UW
1400/2000 SAT</p>

<p>Stanford - reach?
UT Austin - match/safety?
Air Force - match?
ASU, other state schools (non-UCLA) - safety?</p>

<p>Stanford isn't a match for anybody.</p>